3-watching and walking

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I watched the whole lesson, while cleaning mats of course, I liked the morals of Cobra Kai. It was nothing like how Daniel portrayed it, he portrayed them as these evil monsters and that Miyagi Do was the good guys.

But, watching the Johnny Lawrence's lesson, i didn't see how Cobra Kai could've been as awful as it sounded. The morals were good, strike first, strike hard, no mercy, it prepares you for the real world, because the real world, does show no mercy.

In all honesty, i never understood Miyagi Do, i never understood why you'd wait for the enemy to attack first. Think of it like this, there's two lions, they both want the same animal, so they will fight for it, but, they won't waste time waiting for the other to attack first.

I was brought out of my philosophical trance by Miguel, "earth to Olivia?" he laughed.

"Sorry, was just thinking about things" i giggled and he lifted me up

Johnny walked over, "I expect to see you in next lesson Miss Olivia"

"I'm sure you will"

Me and Miguel walked out, "So what did you think?" He smiled at me

"It was good"

"wanna go get food?"

"I would! But i have a family dinner thing to get to! talk later?"

"Urm yeah sure, want me to walk you back?"

"Thanks but i'll be okay" With that i walked off.

I decided to walk the long way home, it's so weird to think that this town will be my new home, i was interrupted by my phone buzzing, it was my friend from England.

Micah x
Heyaaa! How's America? x

It's good, miss you x

There's this huge party in a couple months time to celebrate Ally's birthday, you have to come back and come with us for it! Wouldn't be the same without you Livvy x

Ahhh, will have to see what i can do, I will call you tomorrow, i have to go x

Alright! Talk later x

I felt homesick now, all i could think about is everything i'm missing out on, i got home and went to my room, then getting a skype call from Sam.

I declined.

I needed to get ready.

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