4- family dinner

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We pulled up outside Daniel's house, i walked in, greeted with a hug from Amanda, "Sam's upstairs, i'm sure she will be more than happy to see you"

I ran upstairs and into Sam's room, shutting the door behind me as i ran in, "Good day?" she asked me

"I don't think it could've gone any better"

She screamed, "So, who've you made friends with?"

"Three boys"


"Shut up it's not like that, three boys, Demetri, Eli and Miguel"

"Miguel is a Cobra Kai right?"

"I don't think so, why?" i lied.

I hated lying to sam, i should've just said yes, she wouldn't be mad. Would she? Fuck.

Daniel called us downstairs, "so Olivia, how was your first day?"

"It was really good thankyou" i smiled at him.

My dad tried to make conversation at the table, "so what friends have you made?"

I ignored his question, these family dinner things are the only time i ever see him, he's never at home, he never has been.

The table was filled with an awkward silence, "Cobra Kai is back" daniel broke it

"I thought those punks were long gone" My dad laughed.

Daniel looked slightly worried, "mmh so did i"

"I think it's good it's been brought back" my mum grinned, "it's about time the new generation were disciplined, some young girl at the hotel i work at started crying when i told her she needed to toughen up"

"i agree with you there" Amanda added, "especially with all the bullying that goes on nowadays, it's good that karate is being brought back"

"Yes it's good karate is being brought back but not Cobra Kai" Daniel commented as he took another bite of his food.

This was my time to shine, "They could have changed, it may not even be the Cobra Kai you encountered when you were younger, it could be a complete coincidence that it's called Cobra Kai"

My dad looked disappointed with me, "Cobra Kai will never change Olivia, they're evil and if you don't think that, you're a disgrace to the LaRusso name" Ouch. That hurt.

After that was silence, i didn't want to speak, i felt like crying, everyone had finished dinner and shortly after that we left. What was i meant to do? I wanted to be a Cobra, but I'd be looked down upon by my dad and Daniel. A single tear fell down my face in the car.

"Don't you ever go thinking like that again" my dad scolded, "do you know what they did to your uncle? You wanna do karate again, you train with Daniel."

I simply nodded as we pulled into the driveway, i ran to my room and screamed into my pillow, then getting a group video call from Eli, Miguel and Demetri.

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