7- scars

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a/n ~ THANKYOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR THE READS HOLY SHIT! 100 READS ALREADY? I HAVE SO MANY PLANS FOR THIS BOOK! my inspiration for this book was from a wattpad story called "the queen of cobra kai" by @queenofcobrakai (go read it it's very good) and i have since realised our main character has the same name, that is complete coincidence, my actual name is Liv, Olivia and i am not very creative so that's where the name came from. also, i just wanted to add, i'm currently rewatching all of cobra kai for this book, but i am on season 3 already so, gonna need to rewatch season one so if there's any bits that don't make sense i will fix them! I'm trying to upload 3+ times a week since there's nothing else to do in lockdown other than online school. But it's february holidays so i have literally NOTHING to do. jesus that's a long authors note but ON WITH THE ADVENTURES OF OLIVIA LARUSSO GUNN

I had school today and said i'd walk with Eli since he lived just across the road from me, i met up with him and we started walking, he was looking more insecure than usual.

"What's up?" i asked him with a tone of worry in my voice.

"My mum told the school about the bullying, they are gonna address it to everyone, it's just gonna make things worse" he ranted.

"parents will never understand the world of today" i sighed

He laughed a little then went back to how he was before, "i just wish my scar was gone completely"

"don't say that, it adds character to who you are, i have a scar too you know. Just learn to embrace it, or, flip the script, change something about yourself that makes peoples attention draw to something else, like get a blue mohawk or something"

"mmh" he hummed

"you don't believe i have a scar do you?" i laughed.


I pulled my top down slightly to reveal a white coloured slash just below my collar bone, "see"

"That's big" he laughed. "how'd you get it"

"i was in a car crash, my friend was driving us to a party and he was drunk and we crashed into a tree, i didn't have my seatbelt on and i went straight through the windshield, i was in a three week coma and couldn't talk properly for months due to damaging my vocal chords. It's part of the reason i moved here, my dad hated my friends after that"

"i can imagine"

Me and Eli constantly talked while walking to school, he was more talkative than usual, it was like he felt more confident around me after i told him about my crash. We were laughing and i felt like i could be myself around him.

Once we'd gotten to school we went to our first lessons, mine was math and his was computing. I sat down next to Yasmine, not by choice, she was nice to me, weirdly, "oh hey" she half smiled.

"hey, don't mind if i sit her do you?"

"well, out of all the nerds in here i'd rather sit next to the one that lets me copy her answers" when i said nice, i meant as nice as Yasmine can get, she gives out very back handed compliments.

"thanks" i smiled

another a/n~ this chapter was short but yeah, getting somewhere with it, for anyone living in england like myself, sorry these chapters get uploaded so late😭
-Liv ❤️

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