6- Leg sweep

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"Bye" i walked out the door, my brother grabbed my wrist before i got too far down the road.

He looked concerned, "What happened with you and dad?" he asked.

"Being a prick like always" i sarcastically grinned at him.

He laughed, "i'll sort him, enjoy yourself"

I walked down the path and to the dojo, i decided that i would live two lives, Olivia LaRusso and Olivia Gunn, two girls, in the same body.

I saw Miguel waiting outside, "Hiya" he walked over to me, once he saw what i was wearing his smile grew, "Youre training with us today?"

"Yesss" i laughed and he pulled me in for a hug then we walked into the dojo.

Johnny walked in through a room in the back, "ah Miss Gunn, nice to see you again"

"You too"

Sensai was surprised at how good i was, i had managed to get Miguel on the ground in a matter of seconds with a leg sweep, "okay" Miguel grinned, he had used the same move on me but i dodged it.

"My own move against me? Try harder next time" and i had him on the floor again.

"Well done Gunn, but in a tournament, you wouldn't be able to use the same move twice" Sensai commented.

I was confused, "Why's that? Is there a new rule that you cant"

He continued with what he was saying before, "No, you could use the same move twice but your enemy would suspect it or be prepared for it, so if you did use the same move twice, the second time, you'd probably be on the floor

My phone started ringing, i quickly grabbed it, it was Sam, "What's wrong?" i asked, out of breath from being out on the floor before.

"You sound like you ran a marathon, i was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall?" she asked

Think of an excuse, "Um sure! I'm gonna need some time though i just...just...." Think Olivia, think, "just finished pilates"

"Oh well, i'm going now, we can go another day"

"Oh okay sure"

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