8- proud

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I was sat at lunch and Miss Blatt was talking about the online bullying, Eli had his head held low. i was sat next to him and lightly squeezed his hand under the table, "it's gonna be okay" i whispered.

He weakly smiled back, the lunch hall went back to its normal volume after Miss Blatt had stopped talking. Sam was making her way over to me, "hey, wanna go to the mall today after school?"

"Liv don't we have to go to the-" Miguel started talking.

Quickly cutting him off, i smiled, "how about tomorrow after school?"

"okay sure!" she grinned, not suspecting anything.

Demetri knew something was going on, i could see it in his eyes, but fortunately he stayed quiet, I think he enjoyed trying to crack whatever it was i had going on.

"What was that about?" Miguel asked "You cut me off"

I needed to come up with an excuse, "My dad would flip if he found out i wasn't training with Mr LaRusso, our families are really close"

"Oh" Miguel carried on eating his food.

I sipped my orange juice and stared at this boy who sam was talking about the other day, his name was Kyler, he's a complete ass.

Demetri spoke, "awkward silence, how amazing"

"Sorry was just looking at a certain someone who i would really really like to hurt" i psychotically smiled.

"Great, we've became friends with a psychopath" He laughed.

Eli laughed and finally looked up, "At least she's a cool psychopath"

I had finished my Orange Juice and grinned to myself at what Eli said, "Yeah i am"

"You look so proud" Miguel chuckled

I flicked my hair and smiled again, "that's because i am proud Mr Diaz"

Everyone was laughing and i felt the happiest i'd felt in ages

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