Some tips before we start

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Hello I'm TinyPinkFrog or just author! I make stories because I get bored and random ideas pop into my head at random times. I only update when motivated or in a good mood so there isn't much of a schedule. My chapters are usually 600-1,000 words.

I don't (because I'm bad at it) write smut so there will be none of that in this story.

I like writing fluff and things like that. I might through in a pinch of chaos and death just for a bit of flavor from time to time.

I usually draw all the covers in my stories and if I don't I'll give credit to the artist.

I'm not the best at writing so please tell me if you think I should write it one way instead of the way I'm writing it currently.

If you have any suggestions please comment them!

There won't be any spoilers for any Danganronpa game.

The characters won't act as cannon as they do in the games since this is an AU.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

- <3 Author

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