Chapter 9: Rough Morning

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"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Soda Can yells while running into my room.

I immediately jolted awake and jumped out of the bed. I'd been trained early on on how to wake up and be ready for anything since attacks on the castle were common.

"Who's here?! What's the emergency!?" I asked him in a worried panic.

"Huh? Oh nothing's wrong I was just waking you up for school," Kazuichi smiled innocently while looking at me.

A moment of silence was a shared between us.

"YOU RAN INTO MY ROOM SCREAMING JUST BECAUSE OF SCHOOL?!" I yelled at him as my horns grew longer since my demon features grow and move because of emotions often, like my tail.

"AHH! I'm sorry bro!" Kazoo-itchy screamed his apology at me, but it didn't calm my boiling anger.

"OH YOURE SO DEAD!" I ran at him and he began desperately running away from me.


"Look I'm sorry," I apologized to Soda Can while wrapping his cut up and bleeding arm up in medical tape I'd found in the bathroom.

"A simple 'sorry' isn't gonna cut it for chasing me around, pouncing on me like a fucking cat, and then proceeding to scratch my arm with your freakishly long nails all because I woke you up!" He replied while waving his other arm around to try and prove his point.

"Well, in my defense I thought someone was attacking and just got mad it was because of something else," I tried to defend myself but I already knew I lost this argument.

Kaz let out a huff, "Well, just know I'm never waking you up again."

I cut the medical tape after using all that I needed for his arm and put up the tape and disinfectant I had used on his cuts before wrapping them.

"Let's just get ready for school. I'm glad I woke you up an hour before school starts," Soda Can sighed before walking away for school.

School... I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what human school is like! I'm sure it's an amazing place to be with lots and lots of people!

I happily walked to my room while humming a tune.

I used my magic to switch my current outfit for the one I bought yesterday. I then brushed out my hair, tucked my tail into my clothes, and shrunk my horns down enough to be hidden by my hair.

I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before walking out yet again to go and sit on the sofa and wait for Soda Can and Gundham.

Moments later they walked out from the kitchen and looked at me with confused faces.

"Why didn't you accompany us while we ate breakfast?" Gundham's loud voice asked, taking out my hearing in the process. How does Soda Can live with him without going deaf?

"Oh, I didn't need food today," I replied.

"Huh? You don't eat everyday?" Kaz asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Well, I really don't need to. Over the centenaries our bloodline has adapted to the scarce food availability in our kingdom, actually it's like this for all of Hell," I explained calmly.

"So, when does your body require food again?" Gundham questioned.

"Well, I eat every three days, unless I eat a few snacks every day. If I snack then I usually can eat once a week," I informed them and Soda Can pulled out his magic box I saw him talking with earlier and wrote something down on it.

"What'd you just do?" I asked out of curiosity and pointed to the magic box.

"I'm making notes about you so I know what to do later on," He smiled his spiky-toothed smile and then put the magic box away in his pocket.

"Okay, so on the topic of food, will you still bring a lunch to school to fit in?" Gundham asked.

I never really considered the possibility people might think I'm not human in I don't bring a lunch every day.. Hmmm...

I paused for a second before answering.

"For the first day I'll say I forgot a lunch if anyone asks, the rest of the week I'll bring some snacks and eat those so people aren't suspicious of me," I smiled proudly at my solution and Gundham and Kazoo-itchy seemed to be fine with my idea as well.

"Well, we should get going!" Kazuichi ran out the door with his stuff in tow.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled after him as I grabbed my stuff and followed.


"We're Here!" Soda Can exclaimed in a sing-song voice as he stood in front of a large building with swarms of kids outside.

"Woah..." My voice trailed off as my eyes wondered around the busy and colorful scenery that was before me.

"It's just school. No need to be so amazed," Kaz laughed as we walked into the building that seemed to tower over us.

As we walked through the hallways many eyes landed on me, watching my every move. It reminded me of the dinner parties my aunt would throw. So many eyes looking at me..

I suddenly became cautious of my appearance and the way I was walking. I tried to walk in a straight line with my head and eyes only facing forward, just like I learned how to from my personal ballroom teacher that was hired for me.

Soda Can turned around to face me and began to talk quietly to me, "Me and Gundham's next class is different from yours. Luckily, your first class's room is by ours so we'll walk you there."

He gave me a reassuring smile which made me feel slightly better as he handed me my schedule.

God, so much of this is similar to my royal life... even having schedules divided up by time.

We arrived at the door of my first class and said our goodbyes. I turned around and walked over to one of the chairs and sat in it like I usually did with meetings for royal matter.

I looked around at the humans in my class I would be spending the next 45 minuets with...

then...I locked eyes with a certain person..

"Hey, You're that ruby-eyed stranger that ran into me yesterday!"


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed this! So, Hajime finally meets Nagito. Let's see what happens next! as soon as I write the next chapter though...

Have a good day/night, hydrate yourself, get some sleep, and know you are loved!

Love you all!!


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