Chapter 10: Human School Is Weird

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I mentally screamed.

'NO FUCKING WAY. It's actually the guy from the mall..'

"Oh! You're the ho-.. um- the stranger from the mall!" I almost just admitted the fact I thought he was hot.

I mean he is but it's not exactly the best thing to tell a person when you properly meet them for the first time.

"I never told you my name. I'm Nagito, Nagito Komeada," he gave me a soft smile and I just wanted to melt right there on the spot like an ice cube.

Damn, who made it legal for someone to be this hot? Is this what humans call a 'bi panic'?

"Well, it's nice to finally introduce ourselves. I'm Hajime, Hajime Hinata," I felt my cheeks burn red with blush.

It wasn't a painful burn like the fire in hell kind of burn.. it honestly was a bit refreshing but nerve-wracking all at the same time. Like a swarm of bees suddenly was let into my stomach through a small portal.

"Okay, Okay class settle down," The teacher at the front of the classroom began to shush us.

'Luck is on my side! That conversation seems like it would've gotten awkward soon..'


I sat through the entire class daydreaming about the boy named Nagito.


The name just rolls off the tongue.

All of a sudden sirens went off and I jumped out of my seat.


I looked around to see if anyone else was as worried as me but they all seemed nonchalant about it. I decided to just act like everyone else. So, I walked out of the room I was in, still on edge, as I walked to my next class.

The the doors had numbers on them so I just had to find it by looking at each individual door number to see if it was my next class.

I eventually go to my destination where I met up with Gundham and sat next to him.

The class was Geometry and apparently it was hard for the humans that I share a class with.

I've been doing these sort of math equations for a long time since I always had to do homeschooling in the castle so this human math should be a breeze.

The class began and everything was going smoothly, at least for me it was. Gundham seemed to be struggling with the subject. It was a bit funny actually.

The guy who seemed to always call himself a god of some sort was struggling with something as human as the subject of math.


The sirens went off again, catching me off guard and making me jump up out of my seat yet again, causing me to trip on the leg of my desk, making me almost fall over.

I looked over at Gundham who seemed very relieved that the class was over.

I walked beside Gundham until we had to go our separate ways and say our goodbyes.

As I walked in the hallway I felt a presence appear beside me in the crowded halls.

I took a quick glance to see if it was just my imagination or maybe someone was there and to my surprise I was met with the fluffy, white haired boy whose name was Nagito.

He noticed my staring and spoke up, "Hello Hajime."

"Hey Nagito," I felt my face burn ever so slightly... the bees were back.

Run Away Demon [Komehina] [Nagito x Hajime]Where stories live. Discover now