Chapter 8: Back to School Shopping

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"Umm well.. have you guys heard of Hope's Peak?"

"Yes, we both are quite familiar with it. Since the two of us attend school there," Gundham answered me, his voice returning to be booming and loud like before.

Is he really still trying to play the tough guy role?....Oh well I'll just roll with it.

"Really?! I guess I just got lucky!" I stated, puffing out my chest in pride and grinning.

"Um, why do you need to go to Hope's Peak?" Soda Can questioned me, his head tilted to the side with confusion.

"Well, you seeee..." I dragged out the 'e' in see as I quickly tried to think of an shorted explanation, "You know the lesbian I told you about? Well, since we wanted to stay friends when we came to the surface we agreed on meeting up at Hope's Peak."

"But why Hope's Peak?" Soda Can asked, still looking confused.

"Well, it's the only school we had heard of. We overheard the name from a conversation between two other demons... Well, actually she was the one who overheard the name and told me it," I laughed a bit now realizing how stupid of a plan it could've ended up being if we had been teleported to somewhere far away from Hope's Peak.

"Well, that seems to made sense...kinda," the pink-haired walking highlighter muttered, deciding that on my explanation was enough info to piece together the situation.

"I see, but how will you attend school? I suppose I could pull some strings for you and get you into the enrollment, but after that I'm afraid I cannot provide you with anything else," Gundham told me.

"Wait, I need things to go to school?" I asked, a bit blown away by the fact I needed stuff. I mean we didn't ever really have time for school in hell so the whole human school thing was all like uncharted land to me.

"Yes, every student needs to purchase the necessary school equipment need. Items like pens, paper, notebooks, and a bag to carry your books that they will provide. You'll also need new clothes since we can't lone you our clothes for the entire school year. Unfortunately, our funds cannot fulfill all of those needs," Gundham explained to me, which was very helpful.

"Wow, school is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.. but thank you for the explanation! That helps a lot!" I expressed my gratitude towards his helpfulness.

"That was such a great explanation! I probably couldn't have explained it," his Shark-toothed, flamingo-looking roommate exclaimed as he hugged the emo's arm which caused his face to turn a darker shade of pink.

"It was really nothing. You mortals- mortal and demon praise me for a simple task that could've been achieved by anyone," Gundham protested, but not very well since he was desperately trying to hide his pink face with the neck fabric he had on so it muffled his voice.

Kazuichi didn't let go of Gundham's arm and just continued to hug it while staring at him.

Two idiots in love...

A small smile crept its way onto my face as I continued to look at the two humans in front of me.

I finally spoke up after a while of Gundham asking Kazuichi to let go but him refusing, "So, do I just need whatever currency you guys use to purchase these things?"

"Oh.. right! Yes, you do indeed need money to purchase the equipment," Gundham told me, finally getting is arm free from Soda Can's grasp.

"Well, can I see what you use here?" I asked and he nodded in response, grabbing some money out of his pocket and handing it to me. I took it and held it up, examining it carefully.

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