Chaoter 3: We'll Meet Again

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(A.N.: I drew a lil' demon Chaiki :] )

"What?" I asked her not knowing if I heard her correctly.

"Never mind.. it's probably stupid," she sighed, thinking I didn't care.

"Nonononono, I wanna know if you you know a way we can leave this place. I'm sure it's not stupid and I'd love to hear your ideas," I smiled, reassuring her I was interested in her plan.

"Well," she started in her soft, voice most would expect to find in hell of all places, "What if we acted like we were going on a date, ran far away from here, and made portals to the world.

"That sounds," it took me a moment to find the right words, "Amazing! What time should we do it?"

She laughed nervously, "I haven't thought that far ahead yet but... what about tonight while they're eating together."

"Haha! Two demons on the run, cause they both ain't straight and they're gonna break the law," I said in a sing-song voice.

She just smiled and started laughing, I began laughing along with her and we laughed for a good 2 minutes over something so little and stupid but at that moment it was the funniest thing ever.

"Okay, okay," I pulled out a map from a drawer in the kitchen and payed it out on the island. "So we're right here," I pointed to the castle on the map, "and a good spot to run off to would be..."

"Here!" Chaiki pointed on the map to a little valley covered by a hill on the outskirts of my kingdom.

"Perfect! But what'll we do once we got to the human world?" I asked her.

We sat in a comfortable silence brainstorming ideas of what to do when one of us finally had an idea. It was Chaiki who had came up with it.

Once we'd leave we would both open our portals, go through them and then use our magic to make our horns and wings much smaller so we can use magic for long periods of time. We'd just tuck our tails into our skirts or pants whichever one were wearing at the time to save more magic since that's easier than hiding it. We'd also just tuck our wings into our shirts. For me I'd make my horns smaller and we'd both over up our horns with our hair.

We became happy with our plan and decided that we should probably come up with a place to meet up at in the human world since portals don't all go to the same place.

Hopes Peak Academy, also known as Hopes Peak High School was the place we'd meet up at. Chaiki had heard about it before and since it's the only place she knows of that's a school we decided that's be a good place to go. It was in Japan, located in a large city.

Money-wise we'd just use magic to make whatever currency they'd use there.

So, it was decided. Once they're having dinner we'll say we want to go on a date, run off, then go to the human world.

Suddenly the door opened and Mukuro walked in.

"Hello," I responded a bit too quickly making it obvious we were hiding something.

"Hey.."she replied, not really looking up at us.

I looked around to see if Junko was near but it seemed this time she wasn't and was just using Mukuro as a little helper again.

Honestly, Mukuro was a pretty nice, well, maybe not nice, but a very chill and laid back person when she wasn't around Junko. I felt bad for her at times and even to now, seeing how she doesn't even think about herself first and only puts Junko above her.

"What are you doing?" Chaiki finally asked as she saw Mukuro was grabbing something out of the fridge.

"I'm just getting some soda since Junko and the queens are talking," She sighed, briefly looked at us before opening the fizzy can of Dr. Pepper and taking a sip of it, "What you you two doing?"

Chaiki stood there for a moment, silent when I cut in the conversation and answered for her, "We're making plans for rebuilding in the Kingdom since some of the building are starting to crumble. We're also going to try and make a few factories that will be powered by the heat of the great lava river that flows around and in the Kingdom. It could possibly bring back money to the-"

"I'm not very instrested in your plans as of now. You don't really need to explain it all to me." Mukuro cut me off.

Perfect, I know she can't stand when people start going deep into things she never asked about. Just the reaction I was hoping for.

Chaiki looked over at me and smile a sort of 'thank you' smile that let me know she was glad I stepped in and took over the conversation.

Mukuro ended up finishing her Dr. Pepper and took off the little metal part of the can on the top that helps you open it and put it in her pocket to later out in her collection she kept.

She took the empty can and threw it halfway across the kitchen and into the trash can like a basketball being out into a hoop.

Me and Chaiki clapped when the can made it in and she smiled a bit.

Yeah, Mukuro isn't a bad person really....

—————Time skip——>

"I'm so very grateful you've excepted our invite to this dinner and that you've agreed to go fourth with the engagement," My aunt lifted her wine glass, "To Hajime and Chiaki."

Everyone else besides me and Chiaki lifted our glasses and repeated, "To Hajime and Chiaki, Cheers," that followed with clinks and clanks of glass cups.

I cleared my throat getting everyone's attention, "Speaking of Hajime and Chiaki, we've decided that I'd be a good idea to go for a date to get to know each other better. If that is alright with everyone of course."

The King of Dead Man's View looked around before answering, "Well I think that is a splendid idea."

This statement was followed by others saying 'agreed' or 'Yes, that sounds lovely' which made me smile that our plan was working.

"Alright then, we shall be on our way. Chiaki, I've prepared a special spot for us," I held out my hand like you would at a formal dance to Chiaki and she took it in her own and we walked off and out of the room smiling.

Once we were far away from the dining room we both burst out laughing and let go of each other's hands.


"THAT WAS SO FUNNY" Chiaki laughed along with me and started running out of the castle.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled at her but only got her giggling and quickening of speed as a response.

We ran for about 7-9 minutes before reaching the spot. We were both out of breath from running, laughing, and yelling at each other.

"This is the spot.." I said a bit sad I wouldn't be able to see my new best (and only) friend with me on the other side of the portal.

"Yeah..." she replied, the reality of the situation settling in.

"It's now or never," I took a deep breath in before opening the portal and Chiaki opened her own portal.

The wind blew through our hair as we looked at the portal, swirling and spinning with colors of green and purple in it. The lava bubbling in the river could be heard in the distance.

"Until we meet again," she said, stepping through her own portal.

A song came to mind mind as I slowly stepped through my own:

'We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day'

"Until we meet again.." I repeated her words in a whisper as I got the last glimpse of hell before fully stepping into the human's world.


HEYYYY Hope you all are doing well and are having a good day! I love you all, stay safe, keep fighting since there is a lot to be fighting for, try to go sleep, and drink some water.

Until we meet again :)

-Author <3

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