Chapter 5: Meeting Gundham

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After dragging me through the halls be finally stopped halfway as some sort of metal door with no hinges or door knobs. How is he gonna open it? Is it magic? Why did he just press a button?

Numbers above the door began moving and I heard a rumble behind it.


The door made a beeping sound like the oven back in my castle's kitchen did when food was ready.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to get in?" Souda asked me, now standing in a small room.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized as I stepped into the small room. Why room so small?

After about 15 seconds the magic door closed behind us and I noticed Kazuichi had pressed a button which turned red. It was labeled "6." All of the buttons below the 6 were just numbers counting up to it, but the bottom button was an odd number I'd never heard of. The bottom button was labeled "lobby." Maybe its some sort of human number we demons don't use.

As I was spaced out in my thoughts when the tiny room began to rumble and move up. I grabbed the handles in the room for support.

"Oh, do you not like elevators? We could've taken the stairs if you wanted to," Kazuichi looked at me with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine.. just a little motion sick. We don't have too many ele-va-tors where I'm from," I replied back, trying my best to pronounce each syllable correctly for the long word he used to describe the magic room.

Wait, how did humans even manage to use magic for this small room? Humans don't have magic! I'll have to worry about that later..

After a few more painfully long seconds, the doors opened and Soda Can walked out, me close behind him as to not get lost.

"No need to get so close. You look like a little puppy following behind it's mom," Soda Can laughed.

'What's a puppy?- we don't have those in hell! I'll have to ask about that later...'

We soon got to an average looking white door. It was a bit smaller than the ones in my castle that were leading to the bedrooms. Minus the golden imprint of our ancestors' language that looked a bit like the human petroglyphs we used to write in caves. The petroglyphs we wrote were in a code-like writing. Mainly teens did it as a prank.

I'm getting off topic..

I looked over at Kazuichi and realized he was struggling with some sort of ring of keys.

I let out a small giggle as he grew more and more frustrated with the ring of keys.

After trying at least 10 different keys, the last one opened the door and he stepped inside.

After taking his first step inside he turned to me and out a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet so I did so while following him.

"Gundham! I'm back!" The walking pink highlighter yelled through the apartment that echoed a tad bit.

There was a short hallway that lead to the living room and kitchen, the thing was, if you hid just right you could see into the living room and they couldn't see you. I decided I should do that since Soda Can told me to be quiet. Maybe I'm a secret?

I examined the man sitting on the couch in the living room. He had black and white hair and a purple scarf around his neck. He also had a cross piercing on his ear. His clothes looked like they were from hot topic. Yet another goth, or possibly an emo this time.

"Oh! Welcome, mortal Kazuichi," He greeted him with a smile fit for some of the people in the Valley of  Trapped Souls, but it oddly looked softer and more welcoming then any of theirs did.

"Gundhaamm! Guess what?" Kazuichi excitedly explained dragging out the 'Gundham' part.

"What?" He asked, his eyes not leaving the bright haired idiot that let an actual demon into their home without a second thought.

Honestly I could kill this guy within a second because of my magic and nails that I can use like a cat's claws. I could rip a whole into his heart or even slice my hand through it but I won't. He was nice enough to let me into his apartment after all.

"I said to guess," Kazuichi pouted.

"Hmmm, you brought yet another wild animal you had randomly found in the woods into our living area for the 7th time this week?" Gundham made sure to emphasize the fact this wasn't the first time.

"Close enough," Kazuichi smiled at me before grabbing my shoulders and showing me to Gundham.

"Hi?" I awkwardly replied.

"MORTAL KAZUICHI, WHERE DID YOU AQUIRE THIS HUMAN?" Gundham's voice boomed through the small room. Since it was loud I put my hands over my ear trying to muffle the noise.

"On a bench in the park.." Kazuichi laughed sheepishly.

"Take this creature back!" Gundham argued

"But he's homeless and just look at him! He needs a place to stay..." Soda Can tried to do puppy eyes but really just seemed desperate.

"Fine, you win this time, Souda. He can stay in the guest room for a while," Gundham sighed but it soon changed to a smile as soon as he saw Kazuichi's excitement but he covered his face up with his scarf after he noticed Kazuchi could see him smiling.

I swear I could see a tint of pink under the scarf..

"Thank you Gundham!" He then looked over at me and grabbed my wrist before dragging me around yet again, "Let me show you around!"



AHHHH SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE! But, I still hope you enjoyed it! I love you all and hope you have a good day/night.

Remember to drink water, try to get some sleep, hygiene is important, and remember you're loved!


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