Chapter 11: Reunions and Ice Cream

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Yep, that's Chiaki alright.. even though her demon features are missing I could still clearly tell that it was her.

Soda Can must've noticed my staring as he spoke up, "Hey, Sonia, who's your new friend?"

"Oh! This is Chiaki, she is a transfer student that is staying with me," she explained with a soft smile which confirmed that it really was her.

At the mention of her name, Chiaki turned her head and looked over at us who were having a conversation. Her eyes widened a bit as she noticed me. We didn't exchange any words, just keeping prolonged eye contact.

Sonia nudged Chaiki a bit to get her to snap back into reality, "Oh, yes, I am Chiaki Nanami. It's a pleasure to meet you all.." she greeted the table in a sort of absentminded manner.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" The very handsome Nagito questioned as he looked at Chiaki.

"Oh- uh-" she went quiet for just a second, trying to come up with a random location on earth, "Australia!- yes, I'm from Australia.." she gave the table a nervous smile.

'Nice save, Chiaki'

Nagito gave her a friendly smile, "Well I hope to come to like it here, Chiaki. I know it's a lot different than Australia here, but I hope you can come to see it as a second home."

'Wow, he really is just so nice.. and he has such a pretty smile..'

"Now that I think about it, Hajime doesn't seem like he's from around here either," He now turned his attention to me, looking into my eyes with his own beautiful, gray-green ones.

"Oh- Well- actually I'm from Australia too!" I grinned nervously, hoping that he'd buy it.

"I see.. even though it is unlikely, do you happen to know Chiaki?" Sonia spoke up, curiously looking at me.

"Actually, yes, we both knew each other before we moved here," I replied, giving Chiaki a glance as she nodded to confirm my answer.

Soda Can choked on his water in shock, nearly spitting it out onto Sonia who was sitting across the table from him.

'Oh right- he probably knows that Chiaki is a demon now-'

I nervously chuckled as Chiaki shot me a confused glance, clearly asking if I had told Kazoo-itchy about the whole us being demons from hell thing.

I just gave her a nervous smile and from that she could tell that I had told Soda Can. She just sighed, looking a bit uneasy.

"Is something the matter, Chiaki?" Sonia asked in a worried voice, turning her full attention to Chiaki.

"Oh, I'm alright, just a bit sleepy," she quickly made up the excuse as she gave Sonia a soft smile to try and convince her more.

"Oh, alright," Sonia returned the smile, her cheeks noticeably pinker.

The loud alarm sounded, causing both Chiaki and I to jump a bit. Everyone at the table began to throw away the trash from their lunches and walk off, each of them going to their own respective class.

As I walked the halls Chiaki joined me, walking beside me as she carried a backpack that was in the shape of some animal I'd never seen before.

"So, you told him?" She asked, likely just trying to make sure she got what I was silently communicating at the lunch table correct.

"Well- yeah.. but I didn't mean to!-" I tried to get my way out of an expected lecture. I've used that technique a lot when being scolded by my aunt or even one of my cousins.

"I'm sure you didn't, but still it's dangerous.. did you tell him about the Prince part too?" She questioned, trying to get a good idea of what the situation was.

"Yeah.. him and Gundham know everything, but they are both nice and have still let me stay with them in their apartment!" I continued to try and convince Chiaki that it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that I told them.

"Alright.. I'll believe that they're good.. just try not to tell any other humans, 'kay?" Her friendly and soft smile returned, a trusting expression spreading across her face. I knew she was just trying to make sure that I wasn't in danger, and I thank her for that.

"Okay, I promise!" I grinned widely at her and walked off from her and into my class.


The last alarm rang and a flood of human teens filled the halls, all of them going the same direction. I decided on following the crowd instead of fighting the hundreds of students.

Outside the school building I met up with Soda Can and Gundham by some really short trees.

"So, what did you think of your first day of school?" Kazoo-itchy asked with his usual upbeat attitude, completely opposite of the edge lord known as Gundham that was standing right beside him.

"It's was kinda scary.. but exciting at the same time!" I exclaimed happily and a bit too loud as the heads of a few human students turned to look over at us three to see what had caused my yelling.

One of the people that was staring was Nagito..

'Nagito.. such a pretty name for a pretty human boy..'

I began to get lost in thought as I stared back at the white haired perfect boy. His rosy lips, soft gray-green eyes, and even the way his hair curls is just beautiful.. he's like an Angel, but thankfully he wasn't one since that would mean bad news for me.

"Hajime.. Hajimeee?? Hajime!!" Kazoo-itchy screamed to try and get my attention, which he successfully did.

"Huh, yeah?" I replied, slowly tearing my eyes away from my favorite human.

"I was asking if you wanted to get ice cream!" He huffed, a little offended I had been tuning him out.

"Oh, yeah, sure," I replied halfheartedly as I stared at Nagito again before slowly realizing I had no idea what he was talking about, "..what's ice cream?"

"Let me show you!" The walking pink highlighter grinned widely, revealing his sharp teeth as he grabbed my arm.

And with that I was being dragged off the school grounds and down the street to obtain the food called "ice cream."


I finally did it! I wrote a new chapter!! I hope it doesn't stink- hope you all enjoyed :]

Please drink some water and get some sleep! Have a good day.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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