Chapter 7: The Truth

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I stood there awkwardly and just smiled.

"What are you, you inhuman creature?" He raised his voice a little more this time.

"What's all the yelling about babe- I MEAN Hajime- what's that-" Kazuichi entered the hallway and ended up seeing my tail..

"Just great...." I sighed, now a bit annoyed.

As I sighed my tail flicked with annoyance like a cat's.

"AHHH- IT MOVES-" Souda overreacted as he saw my tail.

"It's just a tail.. like one of the many animals' tails that you keep in the room down the hall-" I laughed nervously.

"I will only ask this one more time you snake... what are you?" Gundham grew angry as I had ignored him the past 2 times he asked me this question.

'ITS ONLY THE 7th CHAPTER! They shouldn't have found out this quickly! Well, I guess it's my fault... shit! I broke the 4th wall.. umm.. I'll fix it later..'

"Umm.. a vampire!!" I joked and then proceeded to laugh at my own joke but nobody else found it funny.. tough crowd I guess.

"He..heh.. umm well- you may need to sit down for this one," I took a deep breath in before continuing," I am a demon.. yay! Wooo!" I sarcastically celebrated.

Silence filled the now tense atmosphere as they both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Stop lying you foul being!" Gundham shot back at me.

"No! I really am a demon!" I said almost sounding childish.

"Then why haven't you killed us yet... are you evil? DO YOU EAT HUMANS?!?" Souda shrieked, now terrified and not giving me time to speak.

I began laughing a little at his silly ideas and Gundham continued to glare daggers into my skull.

"You two are the first humans I've ever met! Hahaha! Surface people are funny.." I wiped away a tear from my watery eyes that were cause from my fit of laughs.

"Then state your intentions of what you want to do," he tried to make himself bigger and strong but I knew I could easy slice his stomach and watch his guts spill out.

But.. I won't do that! Right?... I mean I have been known to loose my temper but I've never killed someone.

I wiped away the though and dragged them both to their couch so I could explain everything.

My tail flicked up almost making a question mark shape at the end. I was happy.

I cleared my throat and began to speak all about my past.

"Wow, I didn't expect to be having to reveal this the day I met you two! Well, you see I'm a prince. The prince of the most powerful kingdom in Hell! Because of this I have the most power out of all demons- well not counting my aunt and cousins. You see, I'm from a pure blood line of demons unlike the common demons that are mostly powerless and from the surface, your world. The main demons you humans ever hear about are the powerful half monster-half human demons that have strengthened their powers enough to withstand traveling through the portals that were made many, many moons ago. At an early age my family was killed and my aunt agreed to take over until I turn 18.. which is in a few days. I was told to marry this girl from another kingdom in hell. I hadn't even met her before when they said I'd be marrying her! Good this she was lesbian and didn't want to marry me either. So we became friends and came here, secretly of course. Then I met Soda Can and you. That's about everything that's happened that you two need to know!"

The two humans sitting before me looked shocked, but I could tell Gundham still wasn't fully convinced.

"How do we know you won't hurt either of us? Or even if any of this is actually true! Sure, you have a tail but that could be some sort of cosplay item. If you do continue with this foolish nonsense I will send my serpent out for your head!" He announced, crossing his arms.

"YOU HAVE A SERPENT!" I exclaimed excitedly "I LOVE SNAKES"

My tail was flicking side to side as I was jumping up and down with excitement.

"I used to have a cobra as a pet when I was little! One of my guards that used to travel to the surface got it for me!" I explained.

"Um... yes.. I do indeed own a scaly beast known by the name of snake," Gundham became a bit quieter, likely since he was attempting to piece all of this together.

"Hey.. well- um- Hajime! I thought demons had like pointy horns, sharp teeth, and great, big wings.. do you have those?" Kazuichi asked.

"Yep! but I'll only show you if I get to see Gundham's snake!" I smiled cheekily as I offered the deal.

"Fine," Gundham accepted with a heavy sigh, clearly annoyed but a reassuring smile from Souda seemed to calm him down and made him cover his face with his purple fabric face neck thingy.

'I guess humans have different clothes since it isn't as warm as it is in Hell..'

We began to walk to Gundham's room full of animals and he carefully let his snake out of its enclosure.

"Ssssssssss" it hissed at me saying 'who is this unknown human?'

I smiled at the snake and hissed back "Ssssssssssss. Sssssssss" meaning 'Im Hajime, one of Hell's princes. Who are you?'

Gundham and Souda seemed taken back that I had spoken to the snake.

"Is it not normal to talk to snakes here?.." I questioned, a bit embarrassed.

"No...." Gundham replied, still a bit cautious of me but Souda wasn't bothered by me anymore as he sat beside me.

'I am the snake, Ruby. I have heard about you demons before. My great Aunt was taken to Hell before but she seemed fine with it. I hope she is alright.' The snake, Ruby, hissed in response to my question.

'Do you understand human language?' I questioned her.

'Yes, but not too well. I am glad I can speak with someone in my own tongue. I have managed to communicate with cats outside of my own tongue. An occasional bird can understand my tongue, but it usually is only the basic words. Likely it's only to ask if I'm a friend or foe'

I nodded and turned to face Gundham and Souda.

"Can you teach me that sometime?!" Souda asked with sparkling eyes.

"Only if you're prepared to cut the tip of your tongue!" I laughed, "us pure-blood demons are able to communicate due to the slight 'v' shape at the end of our tongues. A few common demons have learned to master the snake tongue because of them cutting the tip of their tongue. But I would not recommend doing that since the process is very painful."

"I have showed you my Serpent. Now, show us what you truly look like," Gundham commanded, crossing his arms.

"Fine, fine," I answered and proceeded to unfold my wings from the shirt I was wearing, making it rip holes in the back of it so my wings could move.. they're pretty big. 1 meter tall and three wide. My horns grew out from the small nubs they were in my hair as well and my teeth sharpened.

"Woah!" Souda said in awe, his eyes practically sparkling as he looked at me.

"Now, what are you doing now? You have been found and we could turn you in or you can kill us. What is your next move?" Gundham question me.

"Umm well.. have you guys heard of Hope's Peak?"


I hope you all enjoyed this! I wish you all a good day!

Drink some water, get some rest, and know that you're loved!

-Author <3

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