Chapter 6: Haha I'm in Danger!

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Woooooo! It's summertime where I am so I'll be updating more often! I might even make another story. Anyhow, enjoy this chapter!


Kazuichi proceeded to drag me around the apartment.

It had a kitchen, a room that had a small couch and a magic box that had someone talking about something called 'rain' inside the box, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a room full of animals that looked like it used to be a laundry room, and a closet in the hallway full of coats and extra clothes.

We stopped at the extra bedroom and Souda turned to me with a smile, still beaming with joy that I could stay here.

"You can stay in the extra room. If you need any clothes feel free to grab some from the hallway. I'll let you get settled for now, but if you need me for anything I'll be in the living room watching a movie with Gundham," He told me before turning away and walking down the hallway.

I didn't get the chance to thank him before he turned the corner, out of sight.... I'll thank him later.

I walked in to the room and examined it. It had a queen sized bed, a desk with a chair, a door that leads to a bathroom, a bookshelf full of books and other figures... They were all small 'cars' or whatever they were called, and a wardrobe that was empty besides a blanket that sat at the bottom of it.

I shut the door behind me as I stepped into the room and sat down at the chair by the desk.

The desk reminded me of the days I spent homeschooling to be a royal king and the hours upon hours I had been studying at the desk in my old room.

I reached up and poked my horns, that were now small, on the top of my head. They have been covered by my hair this entire time and nobody seemed to notice.. but my wings and tail were staring to get stiff from being tucking into my shirt and pants for so long.

Maybe if I just....

I locked the door and let my horns, wings, and tail go back to how I'd usually have them when back at the castle.

I happily flapped my wings and wagged my tail, stretching as well.

"That's better!" I said out loud but quickly decided I probably shouldn't talk to myself.

'Wait... CHAIKI!!! We agreed on meeting at a place called Hopes Peak! I need to ask Souda about that!'

I felt a bit guilty about not remembering we were supposed to meet up somewhere... I'm 'such a good friend'... I just hope she made it here safely....

I sat down on the bed and thought over the past week... crazy!

Wait... maybe I should keep a journal to remember all that happened.

I walked over to the desk and sat down on the wooden chair as I took an empty notebook I found in a drawer as well as a pen and began to write the following:

'First day on Earth:
I'm supposed to marry Chiaki, I find out she prefers women and has no interest in me, we run away and plan to meet at Hopes Peak, I end up in a park and meet Souda, Souda is very nice and takes me in even though I could've killed him, I meet his roommate Gundham, I have this room, and now I just need to talk to Souda about Hope's Peak.'

So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I shrunk my horns and wings, covered them up, walked away from the desk, and hid the notebook under the pillow on the bed.

I then proceeded to open the door and walked down the hallway.

I became a bit scared and my tail began swaying a little from side to side, occasionally tapping the floor....

WAIT- TAIL?!? Oh shit I forgot.. maybe if I just-

"Oh hey, Hajime!" A smiling Kazuichi greeted me, "Do you need something?"

'Shit- um well- FUCKKKKK'

"I- Um- Just wanted to ask... where's the extra clothes! I mean- I forgot where you said they were sorry..." I made up the terrible lie but Souda seemed gullible enough to believe it.

"Oh! They're in the closet in the hallway!" He gave me a smile and gave him a forced one back to not be rude.

Souda began to walk away and I rejoiced in my head and my tail began to wag a bit.

'Hahahaha! I'm so smart! Crisis averted'

I turned around to go back into my room and ran right into Gundham who must've been standing right behind me...


"Oh.. hehe.. heyyy Gundham..." I laughed awkwardly.

"What are you."

'Well.. I fucked up!'


Hmm? What's that? Oh! A small cliffhanger! Hehehehehehe! Hope you enjoyed!! Love you all!

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