Chapter 4: Pink Haired Idiot

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"AH-" almost immediately when I stepped out of the petal I fell on my face.

I got up, dusted off my clothes, and looked around. It was so... green.. and cold here.

I was behind some sort of wooden, green stick. Other sticks branched off from it and had breakable thin plants at the ends.

I took off one of the green leaves and examined it. It must be a tree, or a flower.. but o think it's probably a tree from what I've been told.

I broke the leaf into multiple parts finding it a bit satisfying the way it crunched and smelled like sticky water. I wonder how it tastes? Maybe this is a fruit!

I happily bit on the odd plant and regretted it immediately.

Okay... not a fruit..

I suddenly hear something move and quickly hid my tail, horns, and wings.

I then hid behind the 'tree' and waited.

'Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me..' I repeated over and over in my head

A small, hairy creature came out of the bush.

'Huh?' I though, confused.

It squeaked and made clicking sounds at me before coming closer to me, examining if I'm a threat or not.

This creature was gray, fuzzy, had a tail, was holding an acorn, and had big eyes.

'Hmm.. tail... fuzzy.. big eyes.. must be a bear!'

I reached out to pet it but I just ran up the tree and threw it's acorn at my head.


I had been looking at the cat thingy for a bit before I got bored of it and walked away.

This area was filled with trees. Everywhere I turned I saw trees.

I also saw many other things as well. Like birds, bugs, and brown, skinny cows with tree horns.

I also found a friendly snake. You see, in hell we have a few snakes and because of that we can practically order them to do stuff for us. Like a.. what's the word... Oh! Like a hog!- I mean dog...

He snake seemed to like me and has been following me for a while. I named him Marvin.

Suddenly I saw an opening in the big tree place. It had tiny humans running around, and shouting "Tag" at each other. Must be a game or ritual of some sort.

I walked out into the open area. Marvin slithered beside me still, but made a few children scream when they saw him.

Most of them screamed "MOMMY!" But some of them screamed "RATTLE SNAKE"

I'm guessing rattle snake is some sort of way to saw "aww, look! How cute!"

I spotted a seat beside a lake that had blue, glass-like lava in it and decided to rest there for a moment.

Marvin circled around me, watching for any more tiny humans.

"Thank you Marvin," I said with a smile.

Suddenly a pink, highlighter haired man walked by me and shouted for me to watch out for the snake.

I let him know that Marvin was no threat but he just called me crazy  and walked off.

I wonder why people are so afraid of snakes here...

I sat there pondering on the topic for a while.

When I say a while I mean about 2 hours before I ended up accidentally fell asleep on the bench.

I woke up again when the same pink hair highlighter dude was trying to fight Marvin.

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