a meeting with jack ronalds

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"you're barely eating."

"millie, that's not enough."

"that's just a fucking salad with nothing."

"here have my fries."

"you need to eat more."

"we have a super intense scene later, you need to eat."

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" millie shouts, stopping everyone from suffocating her, "i know i'm barely eating, i'm not dumb."

she stands up, throwing the barely eaten food away and walks out of the cafeteria.

she lights up a cigarette from her pocket with a small sigh and then walks to her trailer.

"you know, smoking is bad for you right." she hears finn say from behind her before he appears next to her

"and you know following someone everyday to their trailer is annoying right?" she asks

"touché. now give me that," he takes the cigarette, "and eat this." he hands her a plate of fried rice

"no, give me back that." she takes the cigarette back, "and you can have this." she shoves the plate back to him before walking off

"oh come on! i know you're hungry. i'll take you to that ice cream place or something." he suggests

"first off, i don't want ice cream. second off, you're not taking me anywhere." she opens the door to her trailer

"what happened to jenga us?" he asks

"nothing. you just went from a normal co-star to a really close co-star." she slams the door shut

"it's better than nothing then." he mutters sadly before walking back to the cafeteria

millie sat down on her couch, placing the cigarette in the small cigarette tray she had.

she grabbed her blanket from the side and placed it over her body as she laid down.

normally, when she got hungry, she'll just go to sleep because once you're hungry for too long, you won't be anymore.

it doesn't really make sense to her either but it was just like a cycle to her. get hungry, wait a while for it to pass, doesn't pass, go to sleep.

and because sleeping can just block everything out, it's the a different and healthier way for an escape from life.

so she closes her eyes, hiding her face into the pillow and fell into deep slumber.

"okay! good take everyone!" shawn shouts

"bye shawn." millie gives a small smile before waving and walking out

"hey finn! stay back for a sec, will ya?" shawn says as finn nods

"so there's this one mileven scene me and the duffers are thinking off and we really want it to happen but i don't know if millie will want to do it. i wanted to ask her today but she didn't seem okay and i didn't dare to ask." shawn says

"yeah... i'm pretty sure millie's going through something but what's the scene?" finn asks

"after el defeats the mind flayer, she almost fainted due to exhaustion but mike catches her and comforts her. after that they go out and then mike teaches her how to dance, specifically in the rain." shawn tells him

"she'll do it." finn smiles

"you're just saying that because you want to do it." shawn chuckles

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