Young! CharlesxJasmine

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Hello! This is for jasmine_angel Enjoy!
Italics are thoughts

*Jasmine's POV*

'Wake up.' I hear a voice say in my sleep. I shoot up in bed only to realize it was Charles. I lay back down and curse that man for interrupting my sleep. Rolling out of bed I get dressed and went to his room. As I poked my head in the door and saw that he was up and dressed. "Good morning Jasmine, how did you sleep?" He said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and said "Well I was having a nice dream until you woke me up." He just laughed and said "Come on, we have to go work on your powers." My heart dropped and that sentence. I could see him walking towards me but I didn't look at him. He said "Jasmine, I know you're scared but you need to learn to control your powers okay. I will with you the whole time."

I look up at him and nod. We walked outside to a small lake that sat at the edge of the woods. 'Whenever you ready' Charles said in my head. I took a deep breath and stuck my hands out in front of me. Concentrating, I moved my hand up and water followed it from the lake. While raising my hand higher I moved my other hand to the side so more water came up. By now water was swirling around Charles and I, I could see Charles smiling at me as he watched the water.

'Now bring it back to the lake.' He said in my head. I carefully move my hand back towards the lake and the water flops down splashing us. I laugh a little and Charles smiles. Now it was time for the hard part. Controlling ice. I know how to make the ice but I just can't keep it that way. It just melts it seconds. Charles says that I can do it but I don't believe it.

"You can do this Jasmine, trust me." Charles says calmly. I walk closer to the lake and crouch next to it and reach out to it. My hand grazes the cool water and I take a deep breath. I gently touch the water and concentrate. Closing my eyes, I could feel the water turning cooler and solid. Now I just had to keep it there. My thoughts drifted else where as I was making the ice. I shook a little as the ice started to crack.

Suddenly there was a pair of arms wrapping around me, making me stay there. 'Calm down, you can do this, I believe it you.' Charles said to me. I opened my eyes and saw the ice forming together and staying solid. I was doing it! I took my hand away from the ice and it stayed put. I let out a triumphant squeal and looked at Charles. I gave him a hug and he gladly returned it. "Thank you for helping me." I say to him. He chuckles a little and says "Anything for you Jasmine."

Hello thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been extremely lazy I'm sorry :(


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