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Hello This is for NancyLovS. Enjoy!


*Inferno's POV*

"Inferno, Winter Soldier, you two are going to go kill the Avengers." my director said. We are in HYDRA'S headquarters learning about our next mission. We grab our weapons such as guns, bullets, bombs, knives, and my lucky dagger. I put on my black/navy blue suit with a logo on the belt that has flames on it. I tie my long red-orange hair in a ponytail and get on the helicarrier.

The ride was silent until the director said "We are here do not mess this up, this is our only chance." We nod and walk out. The winter soldier says "I'll get Captain America you get the rest." I nod and walk the opposite way.

> During the fight <

I already took down the red haired girl and her boyfriend Robin Hood ( I was going to put Katniss.) All I have is left is Thor and the Hulk. The Winter Soldier already took down Captain America and Iron Man. I was about to throw a fire ball at Thor when a man came out of nowhere and started to beat Thor down. When we was done he turned to me and looked at me with his piercing green eyes. He said "Hello fair maiden. I'm sorry if my brother caused you any harm. My name is Loki."

I shake his hand and say "I'm Inferno. Nice to meet you Loki. Want to help me?" I tell him what we are doing and agrees to help.

<Wibbly Wobbly Time Skip>

It has been about 7 months since the fight against that Avengers. They are all dead and Loki and I are ruling the world together. I haven't heard from Bucky in a while but I didn't mind. I walk down one of the hallways of our mansion we have and to the library where I know Loki is. I walk in and see Bucky standing over Loki. "Loki!" I yell as I lunge at them. Bucky pushes me away and grabs a knife from his pocket and tries to stab me. I throw a fire ball at him and it hits his chest. He falls to the ground and Loki comes up behind him and kills him. I run over to Loki and hug him. He says "Its okay love he's gone now lets live out the rest of our days in peace shall we?" I nod and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Sorry about this one I didn't know way to write!

Please be patient with the updates I got into the play at my school and I have to go to rehearsal.

Anyways thanks for reading!

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