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Hello! This is for 4Soccer412 my best friend. She's been wanting me to write this. Enjoy! 

*Cal's POV*

"Steve, I'm going to the concert, I'll be back later!" I yell out into the apartment and run down the stairs. Steve had gotten me tickets to go see Brantley Gilbert in concert and I was determined to go. I got in my car and drove off to the stadium. I was pretty excited but i needed to contain myself, since I may go above the speed limit.

~skip to venue~

I can't believe I'm actually here! I never expected to actually see him in concert. He is so amazing! I got to be in the pit since Tony has a shit ton of money and I can afford these tickets. As I am waiting, my phone buzzes and I look down. Steve texted me "Hey Cal, have a good time and please don't get into any trouble." I smile and type back a quick reply.

Soon, the concert started and I screamed along with everyone else. Bottoms Up was first then You Don't Know Her Like I Do. This has to be the best thing ever! The noises, the lights, the people. Until some idiot decided it's fun to push helpless people around to get to the front. The drunken girl shoved past me and slammed into another girl. The other girl fell to the ground and the drunk stumbled away.

I helped the poor girl up and people took her to get some medical aid. I, on the other hand, needed to go punch that idiot. Forgetting what Steve said about being good, I spun the girl around and punched her square in the face. She stumbled backwards and gasped. "Why'd you do that?" She slurred. "You push people around so who do you like it?" I reply with a smirk.

All of a sudden, she came lunging at me with full force which meant this was war. With all my Avengers training I knew a lot about fighting.

~Skip to sitting with the security guards in a makeshift jail~

"Thank you officer." Steve said as he lead me out of the room. We walked to the car in silence and got in. Clint ended up driving us since he wanted to see all the fuss. What a gossip man. "Sorry Steve, I didn't mean to do that. I just didn't like seeing her push people around." I say quietly. Steve sighed and look back at me. "I'm actually not mad at you for this, Tony is more mad since the press will be all over this. But I'm actually proud of you." Steve replied. I looked up and smile back. "Really?" I asked hopeful. He nodded and Clint piped up "Cal, you did a great job of messing that girl up. Good job." I smile over at him as we drive along

Once we get back to headquarters, since Tony wanted to speak with me, we headed to the meeting room. Tony, was sitting in a chair along with Natasha. They both looked displeased. "Hey." I said as i plopped down in a chair. Tony eyed me as Steve and Clint sat down.

Tony slid a paper out from behind him and slid it in front of me. It was an article from the internet about what happened at the concert. The headline read "Carter Rogers beats a defenseless woman at concert" I gulp as I pass the paper to Steve, he read it and scowled. "Tonny, they don't know the full story. This is just stupid." Steve sighed. Tony did his signature eye roll and said "Well Cap, you should learn to control your wild sibling before SHIELD does."

Steve clenched his jaw and stood up. "Don't you dare say anything bad about Cal! She was sticking up for someone, that's more than you can do!" Steve yelled. He stormed off and I followed close behind. Clint stood up too but Nat held him back. "Sorry Nat, I'm gonna go with them." he said and pulled free. Steve went to the car and we all followed. There was thick tension in the air that couldn't seem to be removed. Once we dropped Clint off at his place, we drove home.

"Thank you." I whisper quietly to Steve. He looked over at me and took my hand. "Anytime Cal, anything for my little sister." I smiled to myself and looked out the window. No matter what happens I know Steve will always have my back. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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