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This is for SelenaLuvsSPN67 Hope you enjoy!

Prompt- #7 

*Selena's POV*

Why must life hate me at this moment? All i wanted to do was go to the store, buy a birthday gift and go home. Isn't that simple enough? I guess not. Currently, I was hiding behind a stuffed animal end cap, watching my ex boyfriend shop around. You may say there is no problem there but there is. I've been telling everyone about this super buff boyfriend I have and how insanely hot he is and somehow my ex got wind of that. But I was lying about it, I needed him to feel jealous, but that backfired.

But damn, I don't want him to see me, I can't have him see me. Quietly, I snuck around the aisle and tried to go to the entrance. Bud sadly. I'm clumsy as hell. Before I knew it, my face collided straight into someone's chest. I stumble back and see the a man that looked like an angel, well I mean he does look like one. Standing before me was none other than Captain America himself.

"Sorry ma'am, are you alright?" he asked softly. I nodded my head, still in awe. "I-im s-sorry Mr. Rogers, I should've watched where I was going." I stutter out. He smiled and replied "No worries miss, it's always nice to meet a fan." I blushed a little and waved his hand "Well, I should be going now, it was nice meeting you..." he trailed off and I piped up "Selena! Um my names Selena."

"Well nice to meet you Selena." Steve said and walked off. I smiled to myself, completely forgetting about my ex boyfriend who happened to be closing in. I gasped as I saw him down the aisles aways. Before I knew what I was doing, I ran after Steve and tapped him on the shoulder. Before he could get a word out I rambled out "Listen, I know we literally just met, but I need you to act like my boyfriend."

Steve didn't say anything as he saw the pleading in my eyes, he just grabbed my hand and we strolled down the aisle. Just as we reached the end, I saw Adam, my ex. "Hey Adam.' I greeted as he looked up. His smile disappeared when he saw Steve and I holding hands. "Is this your boyfriend?" Adam sort of asked astonished,like he thought I was joking. Listen, I know I was but let's not dwell on that.

"Yep, this is Steve, Steve this is Adam." I introduce each other and they shake hands. Adam lets go and says "I really didn't expect you to find anyone, Congrats, I'll see you around." and with that he left. I immediately drop Steve's hand and apologize. "Look sir, I'm sorry for making you do that. I just really needed to show him I can move on, sorry for bothering you." I say and turned around to leave

Suddenly, Steve turns me back and chuckles a bit. "Well I would never turn down a lady who needs help, Selena. How about we grab dinner and talk about why you needed to do that." My eyes got really big. Was the Captain America really asking me out? "Um y-yeah sure." I mumble and take his hand. So late night department store runs aren't always that bad.      

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