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Hello! This is for Soccer412. Enjoy!


* Gaby's POV *

This was so boring! My family and my friend, Steve were going on vacation to Florida. Since Steve saved my family and I from Loki he had basically become family to us. He doesn't have any family that I know of so he stays with us. Anyways my mom thought that we needed a vacation so she picked Florida because she wants to be in a warm place.

We had about two more hours until we got there. My mom and dad were talking about what they were going to do when we got there. I sighed and looked out the window. Steve looked over at me and asked "Hey are you ok?" I turn to him and say "Yea I'm fine just tired." He was about to reply when our car screeched to a halt.

I looked around and saw a man standing in front of the car. He had a mask that covered his nose and mouth. Also he had almost shoulder length dark hair. That wasn't the worst part he had a mechanical metal arm. I knew exactly who it was. Steve has told me about him. It was Bucky or in our case The Winter Soldier. Steve had said that fell off the train and to his death. Then he said he returned like what he is now. With a metal arm and no memory of Steve or himself.

I looked over at Steve, terrified, he gave me a reassuring smile and got out his shield. Thank God he brought it with him. He got out of the car and walked up to Bucky. I was scared that Steve might get hurt. But I knew that he would be ok. As soon as he approached Bucky, Bucky slammed him back into our car. The windshield broke and my parents got knocked unconscious. Oh great I thought now I'm alone. I shrunk down in the backseat so no flying pieces of glass would hit me.

I couldn't see the fight happening outside but from above I heard planes and helicopters, probably S.H.I.E.L.D since Steve is part of The Avengers. I could hear Nick Fury talking to Steve and Bucky but I couldn't hear what they were saying. After a little while I peeked out of my hiding spot and saw that Bucky was being taken away into one of the planes.

Steve walked towards the car and opened my door. He kneeled down and said "Its alright now, we are being taken to the hospital. S.H.I.E.L.D is taking us there." I nodded and Steve helped me out of the car and we waited for a black van to come. When it came someone got my parents out of the car and put them in the van, Steve and I got into another van and we drove to the nearest hospital. On the way there I started to get sleepy so I put my head on Steve's shoulder and fell asleep.

Hello sorry this is bad. This is my first Marvel imagines. Keep requesting!!!! Bye!!!,

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