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Hello! So first, I know this isn't a request, I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing with  a song fic!

This is a really good song and I recommend listening to it and the band is really good too! Now enough of me ranting, here is the imagine! Enjoy!

Song: Destroyer- Saint Motel

Lights shining, music booming, alcohol being poured. This is was the life of Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Parties everyday is a lifestyle for Tony and nothing can change that. Girl after girl came to him, until he saw the most beautiful girl walk in. The world around him stopped and he swaggered over to the bar. The girl had (H/C) hair and the most beautiful (E/C) eyes. Her figure was squeezed into a tight red and black dress.

"Who is that?" Tony asked the bartender as he helped himself to another drink. The bartender followed Tony's gaze as he saw the girl standing there. He let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "Mr.Stark, with all do respect, you have no chance with her, no matter who you are." Tony looked taken aback by the comment.

Give it a rest I'm quite aware

It was a doomed affair, from the start

Everyone told me to stay away

It's just a game she plays, with her heart

"What do you mean? Look at me! I'm Tony fucking Stark!" he shouted and everyone gave a booming cheer. The bartender shook his head once more and said "Go talk to her and see what happens." Tony gulped down the last of his drink and smirked "Well don't mind if I do." He sauntered over to the (H/C) haired girl and put on his best smile. "Hello there." he said flirtatiously. The girl gave him a once over and rolled her eyes. "Hello, Mr. Stark.: she greeted politely.

But I'm a man made of flesh and blood

Oh god just give me, love's what I crave

And as she goes walking out the door

She turned to me once more, and she sang

"Please, call me Tony." he waved off. "What's your name?" he continued. "(Y/N)." she stated simply. (Y/N) looked bored already but that didn't stop Tony. "So, would you like to dance then?" he asked, giving his award winning smile. Now, it was time for (Y/N) to show her true self. "I'm sorry Tony, but you're just not my type." she gave a sickly sweet smile.

His face fell a bit but he kept up his facade. "What do you mean, darling? I'm everyone's type." he grinned. (Y/N) gave an exasperated sigh and shook her head "Not everyone's. You're too full of yourself." Tony just brushed it off "Well, of course, sweetie, I'm Tony, I can have an ego as big as I want!" (Y/N) let out a laugh and said "Well, Tony I must be going, it was a fun party." she stated, gathering her clutch. He grabbed her arm and replied "You're gonna break my heart, darling." She pulled her arm away and gave a loud laugh "Darling, I don't break hearts, I destroy them."

I don't break hearts, no that's not me

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

I don't break hearts, no that's not me

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

With that, (Y/N) walked out the door, leaving a very dumbfounded Tony. He sulked back over to the bar and rested his head on the counter. The bartender rested a shot of scotch next to him and he gulped it down. "So, I'm guessing it didn't go too well?" he asked and Tony shook his head. "I thought I had her for a moment, but then she slipped away." he muttered. "I need to find her again." The bartender just sighed "Sir, the damage has been done, just let her go, there are plenty of other girls here." "But none of them are (Y/N)."

Now I'm alone sitting in the park

Sitting in the dark, trying to breathe

Everyone tells me to carry on

The damages are done, set me free

Throughout the night, her voice still stuck in his head. May other girls tried to dance with him, but he just shrugged them off. Steve even tried to loosen him up a bit but failed. He used to stand so tall at the beginning of the night but now he feels degraded. How could one woman do this to him? Her last words were still ringing in his ears.

I was a man made of flesh and blood

Oh now just dirt and mud in my veins

I know she left, but she's haunting me

I hear her mocking me, as she sings

I don't break hearts, no that's not me

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

I don't break hearts, no that's not me

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

I don't break, I don't break

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

I don't break, I don't break

I don't break hearts, I destroy them

The party soon was winding down as people left drunkenly. Tony sat outside his place with a bottle of beer to bring the party to a close. Everyone else went to bed and left him to wallow in self loathing. He rested his hands in his pockets and walked around. He felt something in there and pulled it out. It was a piece of paper that read "I want to give you a shot, but please, remember, I don't break hearts, I destroy them. Xx (Y/N) xxx-xxx-xxxx." He let out a triumphant laugh and kissed the paper. It didn't matter if he would get his heart broken, if it was by (Y/N), then it would all be worth it.

I don't break hearts, no that's not me! don't break hearts, I destroy them! don't break hearts, no that's not me! don't break hearts, I destroy them!don't break, I don't break! don't break hearts, I destroy them! don't break, I don't break! don't break hearts, I destroy them  

I hope you enjoyed, if you have any other song requests, I'd be more than happy to do them!

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