Happily ever after

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"Yes sure! It's just a kick!"
Regina growled in low and threatening voice as she grabbed the old lady's hand squeezing it through the contraction. She soon grasped for air... the pain was horrifying. She felt like someone was piercing through her entire body.

The older woman held Regina's hand and rubbed her shoulder smoothly.
"It's okay it's okay! I can call a flight attendant if you want! Maybe we could find a pain killer for you."

Regina nodded her head negatively and when she was finally able to breathe she stood up supporting the lower part of her back with her left hand.
"Excuse me again!"
"Where are you going ma'am? I think you should sit down."

She mumbled and a death glare from Regina followed. The brunette woman gave the older woman an intimidating look filled up with anger and pain when she rolled her eyes and locked herself in the bathroom. She sat down on floor hiding her face as her heart started bearing faster and faster.

She was terrified. He had to stay in. No matter what, he had to stay in! She couldn't give birth to a baby on the air... it didn't sound right. After all, she had her birthing plan with her gynaecologist back in New York. She didn't wanna ruin her plans...

She was the kind of woman who wanted to have everything under control without even realising that sometimes we can't control absolutely everything. Babies had their own timing. And that was a fact.
She stood back up on her feet and breathed in and out panting.

Her breathing finally got stabilised and she became able to speak again. It was just a stupid Braxton Hick she thought! She wouldn't dare admit to herself that the big time had finally arrived. She wasn't ready. Not ready at all... she was way too focused on working things out with Emma lately, and fighting injustice in multiple cities around the world that she had really forgotten to spend some time to decorate the nursery, or visit the Lamaze classes. And now... there she was freaking out.

She took a very deep breath and heard another knock on the door.
"What does a lady have to do to have some privacy?"
She groaned and opened the door only to see the same flight attendant standing across her and smiling big.

"Miss Rivera informed me that you're quite in some discomfort and I wanted to check up on you. Could I please see the certification of your doctor about this trip please? We are very specific that women who are going through their third trimester and are close to their due dates shouldn't be travelling!"

Regina shook her head and swallowed hard looking away.
"Of course I know that! But I'm not that far along. I'm seven months."
She lied and looked back at the ginger haired girl with her eyebrow raised.

"Of course of course but could I please check out your paper?"
"You're doubting my words?"
She approached the shorter woman aggressively looking inside her eyes like she was about to suck in her soul. The flight attendant swallowed hard and looked away.

"It's part of the protocol ma'am."
She hesitated to say as she looked away.
"Oh really? Fine!"
She surrendered annoyed and grabbed the fake certification paper out of her back throwing to her face.

She smiled irritated walking back to her seat.
"Are you sure you're alright dear?"
Miss Rivera asked.

"Like haven't you done enough..."
The brunette woman rolled her eyes and sat down looking outside of the window.

The clock was ticking as the pressure down her abdomen grew bigger and bigger making the discomfort come and go. She couldn't stop checking on her watch. Three more hours till they land and her condition was getting worse. She was trying to fight the urge to scream every five minutes while she was sweating on her seat trying to avoid any eye contact with miss Rivera by her side.

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