What about us?

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Regina looked at Belle terrified of her reaction when she heard the truth behind Gold's actions. It wouldn't be something new of course, considering that he had lied at her many many times, but she looked like she trusted him lately. That's why she managed to live and love that man for so many years.

Snow rushed towards Belle and held the princesses' hands lovingly trying to relax her. She didn't seem like she could think straight at the moment. Her husband's dead body was laying next to her and turns out that she was the only one that had no idea about what was going on.

"Oh Belle, now it's not the right time to talk about this..."
Snow whispered but Belle argued right away with a fierce nod of her head and hands. She sat down on the stairs hiding her face between her knees sobbing.

"Why do I have to be the only one who never knows the truth? All these years I know you guys, I always feel left out. You're always very much aware of what's going on while I feel entirely stupid for having no idea! I'm tired of this... I'm tired of constantly waiting from others to count me in! At least think about that this time this entire fuss is about my husband! I deserve to know... I'm done with you guys trying to hide the truth from me to protect me! I'm not a child!"

She barked at snow through her sobs and then glanced over Regina who kept looking at her with a worried look on her face. The weird thing was that the queen seemed upset about Gold's as well. Belle always expected that everyone would be happy and excited when something happened to her husband, but no. They were all caught out of guard, and didn't seem happy at all.

"You're feeling sorry for me?"
She asked Regina and shook her head smiling sarcastically. Her hot tears kept spreading all over her cheeks making her soft skin ache.

"I don't like people feeling pity for me as well madam mayor you're not the only one! Just please.. the last thing you can do for me right now, is telling me the truth!"
She rolled her eyes and fiddled her fingers together uncomfortably.

Snow looked at Regina and nodded her head. She deserved to know. Maybe finding out that her husband never actually changed his wicked habits would break her, but at least that way it would be easier for her to think straight and move on.

"I... I'm so sorry I'm the one who has to break this to you, but Gold never changed really. You know him... we all know that he's capable about anything. So, I wasn't the one who casted the curse... not this time. It was him. He just blamed me cause we made a deal and I was supposed to take the blame so he could get away with it... and not disappoint you."

A long pause followed. Everyone focused their eyes on Belle who had lowered her head looking down awkwardly and silent. The past few seconds felt like a century. Silence was a pure torture for everyone when Belle finally cleared her throat and tried to speak.

"You think I didn't know?"
Snow widened her eyes open looking at the brunette girl quite astonished.

"You think all these years I didn't have the time to process what happened and look into it? You think that I am that stupid that had no idea what my husband was up to? Of course I knew... but I didn't have a choice but accept the truth. The last curse brought us here, in New York, and life seemed normal. We started trying for a baby and things finally seemed to be cooling off. I felt like he was finally settling down... it was pretty convenient for me to forget about the past and finally enjoy my husband and our life together. No magic, no dark one, just us... I never expected that he would have gotten punished for his actions now..."

Another loud sob escaped her lips as snow rubbed her back gently trying to soothe her. That woman was beyond wise and mature. Maybe her attitude constantly reminded at everyone that she was a little girl, but she was the most mature one of them all when she had to act.

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