Surprise it's the pirate

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Both mums managed to remain surprisingly calm as long as they had been looking around the suite making sure that Henry was actually missing. Well... it was a sure thing! He wasn't a three year old boy anymore though... it wouldn't be that easy for someone to just lift him and kidnap him.

He was a grown up man.
Snow was getting worried. She called David to inform him about the big news and David couldn't help but start looking around the hotel alone.

"We have to find him! Any possible places that robin could have chosen as his safe place?"
Emma asked and crossed her hands under her chest trying her best to think rationally and forget the fact that it's all about her son for a sec.

"I don't know."
The brunette woman replied and kneeled down on the floor while holding Henry's t-shirt inside her palms. The guilts she was feeling were all over her face now. If she had never hurt them all by vanishing storybrooke they wouldn't have winded up here now looking for Henry!

Robin was trying to get his revenge by hurting Henry first! They couldn't let this happen.
Snow asked and the brunette didn't answer. She just placed Henry's T-shirt inside her black purse and put on her black coat. She was getting ready to get out there and start looking.

"It's my fault and now I have to fix this!"
"How exactly is this your fault? You couldn't have known."
Emma commented and sighted.

"Of course it is! I caused so much pain that I made an ordinary person kill in order to find relief!"
"Regina for god's sake that person is a psycho! You might helped him create this side of his character but trust me it's not your fault! He's probably tending to become a serial killer for many years now... after all hunters love to kill. Especially Robin."

Snow pointed out annoyed and walked out of the suite. She left the two lovers looking at each other in shock. Regina looked inside Emma's eyes to see purity and love burning inside of her. A small grin appeared on the blond woman's face. She might was quite disturbed since her son was in danger but she could never blame Regina again.

She loved her way too much to put the blame on her... she was going through hell already! She didn't need another reason why to go mad as well.
Emma held Regina's hands lovingly and smiled.
"It's going to be okay. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep miss swan."
Regina added.
Emma looked sure for a strange reason. She looked confident and ready to kick asses. She wasn't afraid. Not anymore... she had traveled all the way to Tartarus and back. Robin's enormous doze of insanity seemed like heaven to her.

"Who said that I can't?"
She placed a soft kiss on Regina's lips and the brunette didn't seem to be hesitating at all. She enjoyed it as well. She pushed emma away in the end of the heated kiss almost smiling.

"We gotta go!"
Emma shook her head and they both left the room.
"What's the plan?"
Regina asked as they walked downstairs and reached the main lobby of the five star hotel.

"My mother and father are gonna look at the left side of the hotel for clues whilst we will be looking at the right one."
Regina nodded and kept walking around looking at every single corner of the building. Her heart was pounding very hard. She knew that henry was in danger. She could feel that Robin had taken him to scare the crap out of them..

He was sneaky as f@ck! That man knew how to drive her crazy and get inside her head... but her kid! No one got to mess with her kids! She wouldn't allow anyone to even touch a hair of Henry's head.
Both women walked inside the stuff room and started looking behind the cleaning objects.

"Nothing here."
Emma said exhausted.

"Searching in the exact same room at the same time is not helpful at all... we have to split up!"
Regina added and sighted disappointed.

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