Past Imperfect

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The former savior chose to keep her mouth shut at the moment. They had a pretty hard case to deal with that made it hard for her to approach Regina and get to know her. After all Regina wouldn't even bother talking to Emma about her past.

She acted way too professionally to act more human right now. Emma fixed her high pony and followed the brunette inside the vast building. They used the elevator to reach the fifth floor where Fiona's and Sarah's hotel room was. When they finally reached room number 5D Regina used the key to enter the messy room.

It was a spacey room that looked pretty much like their own. The only difference was that the room was messed up. There were clothes all over the king size bed and sofa and food leftovers on the top of the circular brown coffee table that was decorated in the middle of the small living room.

Regina paced up and down inside the bedroom looking around her disgusted.
"How could they live like that?"

"The fact that you're a clean freak doesn't make this room less sustainable!"
Emma replied and walked towards the abandoned suitcases. She kneeled down and started looking at the clothes. Floral dresses and pinkish skirts must be Fiona's favorite piece of clothing. Most of her clothes were consisted by floral patterns and colorful sketches.

"To be honest I do believe that you would be able to live inside a dumpster Miss Swan."
The brunette rolled her eyes and held a picture of Fiona and Sarah kissing inside a photo booth. She smirked playfully.

"It's miss Davis for you madam mayor!"
Emma winked playfully and kept digging inside Fiona's suitcase.

"She was definitely a fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers. Most of her t-shirts have a stamp of the band on them. She even keeps a picture of a concert inside her suitcase."
Regina frowned and approached the blonde woman narrowing her eyes.

"What about Sarah?"
"I don't know! You're the profiler here. You're gonna create a profile."
Emma smiled broadly and winked at Regina rascally.

"This is not a game miss swan."
"I just wanna see you in action madam mayor."
She kept going with the mischievous tone in her voice while looking at the brunette with a playful look on her face.

"Fine... Sarah looks like she was the man of the relationship. Ripped jeans, extra large t-Shirts and buttoned up shirts and ties are the proof of that... She looks like a pretty descent wife! The kind of wife that keeps bubbling and bubbling about her marriage all the time. Her wallet is filled up with pictures of Fiona. Not to mention that she doesn't look like the healthiest human being alive since her portmanteau is filled up with cigarettes, chocolates and three bottles of gin. Have no idea how she was able to get through the airport gates while carrying so much alcohol with her."

"Wow that was impressive."
Emma clapped her hands.
"So fill me in about Fiona miss swan! I wanna see you try making a profile about her!"

Regina winked playfully and bit her bottom lip.
"Fiona is definitely the woman of the relationship. Her taste in clothes proves that fact, she's definitely a huge fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers as well and I do believe that she's pretty neat. The entire room is messed up but her suitcase is on point. The clothes are placed inside the suitcase neatly and carefully. Also I would like to mention the fact that she must be a painter or at least an artistic soul since she keep a portfolio that's filled up with paintings of her wife... naked... shit... I shouldn't have seen that."

She started laughing looking at Regina.
"Not bad considering it's your first try miss swan. So... nothing weird inside their suitcases. They both look like a completely normal couple that came here to celebrate their love for each other. What about their cellphones?"

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