Cradle of Hope

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Regina took the next flight for France and 8 hours later she reached the airport. It was a lonely trip. She had time to get lost in her thoughts and demons. Her thoughts and memories were torturing her. She wouldn't dare close her eyes for one minute inside that stupid plane. Falling asleep meant that she would have to face her nightmares again.

She couldn't let herself go through that. As soon as reached the airport she took a cab and jumped in. She took her tiny mirror out of her back and took a look of her tired face. The dark circles underneath her eyes were making her face look a lot more tortured and tired. She applied a small dose of concealer underneath her eyes and covered the the hints insomnia.

In the meantime Emma left the hotel and decided to pay a visit at Briana over the hospital. Vanessa had called her an hour ago and informer her that the surgery was successfully done and that Trina was gonna get better soon. The doctors said that she needed plenty of bedrest and check ups.

They had also informed Vanessa that Briana was experiencing a temporary loss of her memory. She couldn't remember what had happened the past couple of days, but they claimed that she would get better and slowly get her memory back.

Emma had to give it a try. She had to pay her a visit and try to remind her what happened. That way maybe Briana would be able to remember something and help them with the case. Any single information would be useful since both agents were pretty desperate so far.

She walked inside the hospital and wondered around the halls until she found the proper room. Room 367G. She knocked the door and a couple of seconds later Vanessa opened the wooden door waving at Emma.

"Hey... how is she?"
"She's torn apart. Apparently a cop tried to ask her a couple of questions before I got here and broke the news about what happened... she now knows that Sabrina is missing as well... can you blame her for overreacting? It's her wife we are talking about."

Vanessa pressed her lips together in sadness and Emma rubbed Vanessa's shoulders in sympathy.

"We are going to find that criminal. I'll do whatever it takes Vanessa. Now... can I come in and try talking to her? I swear I'll be gentle."

Vanessa nodded and stepped aside so Emma would come in the room. The minute she walked inside Briana raised her sight and stared at the blonde woman right in the eyes.

"For what kind of sins am I paying for?"
She sniffed and squeezed the wet tissue inside her palms. Emma sat down next to her on the hospital bed and held her hand.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you..."
"When you told us about those rumors... that there were multiple kidnappings in the hotel you weren't confused or wrong at all. You knew exactly what was going on..."

She bowed her head down and sobbed.
"I never thought that you would be the next victim..."
"It's a serial killer we are talking about Chloe! Everything is possible... you should have known."

Emma cleared her throat filled up with guilts. For some reason she was blaming herself about Briana's current situation. If she had told her about the case maybe Briana and Sabrina would be safe now. She couldn't have predicted that they would have gone missing as well though...

"Briana... First of all my name is not Chloe."
"Excuse me? You lied to me?"
She looked at Emma condescendingly and crossed her hands under her chest.

"No... yes. But I lied because I had to due to my work. I'm an undercover agent Briana. My name is Emma Swan. I'm investigating the hotel since the very beginning of this trip in order to solve the mystery. I'm sorry you had to be part of this."

Briana shook her head and a new wave of teared flooded her eyes.

"What about your wife?"
"She's not my wife.. her name is Regina Mills and she's working for the FBI."
"So you're not really married..."
"No we are not. I'm so sorry... we are just partners in crime."

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