TokoyamixTsuyu (Fluff)

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Tokoyami stood staring into a puddle. He looked at his reflection and sighed softly. Ripples disturbed the water and image as raindrops began falling. He stayed still and quiet as he got soaked. Darkshadow formed next to him.

"Come on Fumikage" He said softly. "Let's go inside before you get sick."

"Let's stay out a little longer." Tokoyami replied softly. Darkshadow nodded and disappeared back into him as he saw someone approaching.

Suddenly Tokoyami couldnt feel the rain hitting him anymore. He looked up confused. He looked to the side, seeing Tsu. She was holding an umbrella over him.

"Oh, hello Tsu." He said softly.

"What are you doing out here alone?" She asked with a soft ribbit.

"Enjoying the weather." He replied as he looked around. Tsu nodded followed his gaze. She shifted slightly as some of the rain hit her.

"We should go inside." She said as lightning struck nearby. Tokoyami nodded and walked with her to to the dorms. He held the door open as she shook out the umbrella and walked in.

"Thank you." She said softly with a ribbit.

Tokoyami nodded and shut the door before following her upstairs. Mina popped up behind the couch and and waved them over. "Come join us! We're playing truth or dare." She said enthusiastically. The whole class was in the common room sitting on the couches and some on the floor.

"I have something to do." Tokoyami replied. "Thank you for the offer." He bowed his head.

"Aww come on Toko, one round." Tsu said as she held out a hand. Tokoyami blushed lightly and looked at her hand before hesitantly taking it. "I-I suppose I can do one round." He mumbled.

The girls had noticed the blush and kirishima held up a thumb making Tokoyami's face even warmer. "Are you feeling well?" Tsu asked concerned as she noticed the face he had made. She brought a hand to his forehead and touched it lightly.

"You're a bit warm. Maybe you've caught a cold."

"No Tsu. I'm feeling fine." He gave her a small smile and walked to the couch. Jiro moved over onto Momo's lap to give them room. Tokoyami sat down and Tyu was right next to him. His leg brushed against hers and he moved over more to give her room.

Tsu didnt mind. "So who's turn is it?" She asked curiously.

Mina smirked and looked at Tokoyami, about to throw him to the sharks. "Tokoyami, truth or dare?"

Tokoyami's eyes widened slighty and all hopes of getting out of this unscathed were not on the table. "I choose truth." He replied monotonously.

"Do you have a crush and if so are they in the room?" She asked as the others looked at him expectantly.

"Well uh..." He froze up and stared off.

"I guess that's a yes." Bakugo mused as he sat on Kirishima's lap. He leaned back and kissed his jaw. "Dont tease him, love." Kirishima murmured as he closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the fluttering kiss.

Tokoyami inhaled sharply. "Bakugo's right. I do have a crush and they are in the room. Now if you'll excuse-"

"You're not excused." A few students said in unison, now curious.

Tokoyami's mouth dropped slightly and Tsu giggled. "Its okay Toko." She murmured. "Nobody's going to judge you." He glanced at her embarrassed. He didnt feel like he was ready to tell her.

Darkshadow nudged him slightly. "Just do it." He whispered. Tokoyami sighed softly and looked up at the others.

"My crush is Tsu." He replied softly.

Mina squealed and hung onto Sero. The others smiled and clapped. Tsu sat next to him, surprised.

"Toko did I hear you correctly?" She asked with a nervous laugh.

"Yes." He looked at her. "I-its fine. I understand if you don't return the feelings." He said quickly before trying to get up. Tsu grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

"No.. dont go." She mumbled. She looked up blushing. "I like you too." She gave him a smile and pecked his cheek.

Tokoyami was suprised by the sudden act of affection and his eyes widened. He blushed and leaned his head closer to her and brushed his beak against her cheek. He let out a soft coo and nipped her lightly.

Tsu bit her lip and glanced at him. There were a few 'awws' by their classmates. Tokoyami pulled away. "I'm sorry! I dont know what came over me." He said quickly.

Tsu let out a giggle. "Its fine."  She held his hand and squeezed it. Tokoyami smiled and began planning his courting of her.

-770 words.

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