DabiHawks Fluff

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Requested by Kirisunshine13004

Hawk's pov.

I woke up to Dabi's arms wrapped around me. His face was buried in my wings. I chuckled and turned over slowly. "Hey babe it's time to wake up."

Dabi groaned and his eyes fluttered open catching some of the suns rays. 'He looks so adorable.' I kissed him on the nose and tried to get up.

He pulled me back down. "You missed."

"What do you mean?" Dabi rolled his eyes and pulled me to him. He pressed his lips against mine roughly. We pulled away a moment later.

"If you dont stop now I might not be able to control myself." I say panting.

"Aww is my little love bird horny?" He asks with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I shout before pulling away from  him. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright." He responded.

After my shower I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen. The sound of sizzling and cussing was in the air.

I walked in on the strangest thing. Dabi was standing next to the stove with a pan on his hand. There was blue flames licking the sides. Dabi noticed my presence and look over at me and froze. I just stared back. We stared at one another until I started laughing. "What the hell are you doing!" I choked out.

"Stop judging me. I couldn't figure your damn stove out. Like seriously why does it need that many buttons?!" I fell to the ground wheezing. It took me a few second to calm down before I got up and walked up behind him.

"You still down for movie night?" I ask, looking over Dabi's shoulder as he cooks breakfast.

"Yeah. I'll be over after the job tonight." He replies. I leaned closer to him and gave him a peck on the lips. He smirked and pulled me back in for a longer kiss that made my brain foggy and my insides fuzzy.

"I love you." He mumbles against my lips. I smiled and hugged him.

"I love myself too." I replied, voice muffled by his jacket. Dabi pulled back and scoffed.

"I'm kidding." I say putting my hands up. "I love you too."

"Damn right you do." He says and kisses me one last time before handing me a plate of eggs and bacon. After breakfast we said our goodbyes and Dabi left.

*timeskip later that night*

Dabi was late.

I stared at the at the TV until I began falling asleep. All of a sudden there was a bang as the door hit the wall.

I jolted awake and looked at the entrance. A bloody Dabi stood in the door way. I jumped over the couch and ran to him before he collapsed.

I picked him up gently and carried him to the couch and set him down. I sent some of my feathers to fetch the first aid kit and some towels. They came back and took their place back in my wings.

There wasn't much of a jacket to take off because it was shredded. I grabbed scissors to cut the fabric of his shirt away from his chest. I threw it to the side and took in the injuries. Mostly stab wounds and cuts. "What the hell happened?!" Dabi turned over wincing in pain.

"I did the job but when we came back I told Shigaraki that I wanted out. He didn't take it too well and let Toga have a go at me. It's my fault I let her do this to me."

"No its not your fault. Now shut up so I can clean you up." I say handing him a bottle of alcohol.

I cleaned his wounds as gently as I could. "Shit..."

"What?" He questioned taking a sip.

"Your going to need stitches" he sighed and set the bottle down.

"I'm guessing you don't know how to stitch someone up?"

"Nope." I reply, popping the 'p'.

"I could always cauterize them." He says. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

"Y-you mean like....burning yourself."

"Yes burning myself. I'm gonna need more alcohol first cause this shits gonna hurt." He says picking up the bottle again. He downed the last bit and tried to sit up.

"Alright I'll be right back." I reply, heading to the liquor cabinet. I brought back 2 more bottles and set them down. Dabi was already up and had a blue flame dancing at his finger tip. My feathers rattled nervously.

I looked away as he brought it closer to his skin. I could hear grunts of pain and sizzling.

'Oh my god I'm going to throw up.'

A few minutes later I looked back and he was done. He was struggling with the bandages trying to wrap them around his torso. I took the bandages from him and wrapped it myself.

My eyes lingered on his abs as my hands grazed across his skin.

"Like what you see?" He asks smirking.

"Yes. Very much. But don't get any ideas. There will be no sex until your healed." He nodded his head at my words.

"I can live with that. You didn't say anything about no blowjobs." I punched his arm lightly and he hissed.

"Ah fuck." I brought my hands to my mouth.

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine calm down." He says getting comfortable on the couch. He held out an arm and motioned for me to join him. I climbed on the couch and carefully positioned myself to where my wings weren't in the way. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as it slowed.

'So soothing.'

"I'm glad you left." I say suddenly. He squeezed me closer.

"Yeah. Me too." He replies.

"I love you." I whispered burying my head deeper into him.

"I love you too love bird.

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