TodoDeku Fluff

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Also requested by Kirisunshine13004

Deku's pov.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask Todoroki. He grabbed my hand a bit tighter as we walked through a crowd. Not wanting to lose me.

"You'll see when we get there." He replied. I sighed and looked around at the shops we passed by. Soon the scenery changed and we were standing in front of the gates of an amusement park.

"Wow its huge." I mumbled under my breath. I could see Todoroki smiling. He might seem cold and quiet but when it comes to our relationship he's sweet, passionate, and a bit dirty. I could tell he was stopping himself from making a joke.

We walked over to the the ticket booth and paid for a wrist band that would let us ride all the rides for free.

"So what do you want to go on first?" He asks helping me with the wrist band.

I looked around and my eyes landed on the gravitron. "That one." I say pointing at it with my free hand.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yup." Now it's my turn to grab him and drag him around.

We showed our bands to the worker and they let us on. We both chose a spot close to each other and held hands as the ride started up.

All throught the ride I could feel my stomach in my throat. Even Todoroki was looking pale. Once we were were off I ran to a trash can and began dry heaving. Todoroki came up behind me and rubbed my back.

"You alright?" He asks worried.

"Yeah I'm good." I say righting myself. "That was intense." He laughed at me and we continue to go on the rides.

Soon I was placed between a rock and a hard place. "No Sho. That thing swings people up in the air. I. AM. NOT. GOING. ON. THAT." I stared up in fear, at the Vortex.

"Oh come on." He begs. "I'll withdraw sexual activities from this week if you don't." I glared at him and he gave me innocent puppy eyes.

"Fine." I whine in defeat.

Once we were strapped in the ride began to slowly make it's way to the top. The people below us were so tiny. I looked at Todoroki and said in the most dead serious voice I could muster.

"If I survive this I expect you to make this a night I won't forget. If not then be prepared for my ghost ass waking you up at three in the morning from stealing your sheets." He mumbled something but at that moment the ride dropped us and I was too busy screaming to notice.

"Oh my god I'm going to die." I screeched. I was hanging on for dear life.

We went around a few times and throughout those rounds I screamed profanities at Todoroki. He was laughing the entire time.

Once we were off I leaned against him. He brought me over to one of the stands for food and bought me a candy apple as an apology.

"We should ask Aizawa Sensei if we can bring Eri next time we come. She'd love the carousel and Candy apples." I say, biting into the sweetness.

"That's a great idea." He replied. He stared at my face for a moment and smiled.

" I have something on my face?"


"What?" I say, too busy wiping at it to notice Todoroki getting closer to me. His lips found mine and I stood there shocked for a moment before melting. He pulled back a second later licking his lips.

"Dont worry, I got it." He said before taking my hand again. By this time the sun was setting and the lights on the rides were shining brightly.

"Theres one last ride I want to go on before we leave." He said.

"Alright." I reply, throwing my trash away quickly. We made our way to the ferris wheel and waited to board.

Once we were in on of the baskets (Or whatever you call it idk) the ride continued to go up occasionally stopping to let riders on and off. Soon it stopped at the top.

Todoroki was sitting across from me staring at his hands as I looked out at the city. It was so beautiful.


I turned to Todoroki as he said my name. He looked nervous and was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"What is it Sho?" I ask smiling softly. 'He looked so adorable right now.'

"I've known you for a while and we've had good times together, times that I will never forget.....but in that time I've come to realize that I don't want to be your boyfriend." I was taken aback and I felt tears prick my eyes.

"What?" I ask confused a sob threatened to escape. Todoroki's eyes widened at the sight of my tear filled eyes and freaked out.

"No no. That's not what I meant. I'm not breaking up with you."

"Oh." I choked out. "What did you mean?"

He stuffed a hand in his pocket and kept it there.

"What I'm trying to say is, I don't want to be your boyfriend. I want to be something more." He says, pulling out a tiny box and opening it carefully. I gasped and put my hands to my mouth. There was a small ring that had a heart shape in the center with tiny rubies outlining it.

"I know we are still young but when the time comes, I want to ask for your hand in marriage. For now I give you this promise ring to signify our love for one another. Hopefully in the future it can be a diamond ring that replaces it."

"Its so beautiful Sho." I say holding out my hand for him. He slid the ring on my finger before kissing my hand.

"Not as beautiful as you. I'm glad you accepted it." I blushed and looked away.

"How could I not accept. I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned forward a bit rocking the basket. Soon he had my lips captured in a passionate kiss. Everything was so cheesy. Even fireworks were going off. Tonight couldn't get any better than this.

He kissed down to my neck making me moan. "Just you wait till we're back at the dorms. I can't wait to make sure everyone knows your mine." He growls in my ear. At this point I was sure I was as red as a tomato.

I've changed my mind. This night has gotten better.

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