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Izuku's eyes found their way to Eijiro's exposed torso many times as they trained. His face flushed and he let out a grunt as he was pinned on his back without warning. He had been distracted again.

"Come on Midoriya. You usually put up a better fight." Eijiro pouted and leaned a bit closer. Izuku squirmed underneath him as he tried to get away. "I-im sorry Kirishima-" He stopped when he realized what was happening. He felt like his heart was in his throat as he grew aroused.

"It's fine Midoryia." Eijiro pulled away and stood with his hand outstretched. He had a grin on his face as he tried to help him up. Izuku blushed as he gripped his hand and stood. "I think we should go wash up and head back to the dorms. Bakubro said he's making katsudon tonight. Your favorite right?"

He looked over his shoulder as he walked to the locker room. Izuku followed after him. "Yeah." He smiled and tried to act normal. Eijiro went to his locker and began undressing. He grabbed a towel and his soap, heading over to a stall.

Izuku took a bit longer undressing. He was at his locker mumbling to himself and shaking his head. He couldn't believe he had gotten hard. He covered his face and groaned softly before grabbing his towel and soap. He hurried to a stall not wanting to be caught outside of one with an erection.

He picked one a few down from Eijiro. Steam had already begun filling the locker room. He started the water and got under it as he pulled the curtain shut. He let out a soft sigh as he felt the hot water hit him. He was sore from the other pinning him roughly the first few times.

He brushed the water from his face with a hand and began washing up. It didn't take him long to finish but he still had his erection to worry about. Eijiro had turned the water off in his own stall and just began wrapping his towel around his waist.

Izuku reached down and gripped his cock. There was no way he was walking out with and erection. It was sure to show through his towel. He covered his mouth as he let out a soft groan. His mind went blank and he wasn't so worried about Eijiro as he slowly stroked his cock.

He let out soft sounds occasionally the drew the other males attention as he put his things back into his locker. Eijiro looked over the the stalls with a quirked eyebrow. His hand was on the hem of the towel to keep it up. "Midobro?" He called for Izuku but the teen hadn't heard him.

He walked closer to the stall to see if he was okay. "Hey bro you good?" He asked just outside the stall. Izuku froze and almost let out a yelp when he heard Eijiro so close. He thought he might have left.

"Y-yeah, Kirishima. Just aching all over." He replied, trying to keep his voice steady but Eijiro could tell something was wrong. He bit the inside of his cheek with his sharp teeth and hesitated for a moment.

Izuku was quiet when he heard nothing on the other side. The only think he could hear was his heart thumping wildly in his ears and the sound of the shower spray.

"Alright I'll see you back at the common room." Eijiro finally said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Izuku let out a soft sigh of relief. He would be absolutely mortified if he was caught. This time he really thought Eijiro left but he was wrong.

As he went back to stroking his cock the curtain was pulled to the side and Izuku's eyes widened. Eijiro was there on the other side, his eyes roamed down Izukus body to where his problem was.

"Kirishima!" Izuku's voice cracked as he said the males name. He turned to the corner to hide himself. "Sorry bro I just didn't believe you. Plus we've all seen each other's so it fine. No need to be embarrassed." Eijiro chuckled softly as he admired his backside. He looked back up at Izuku with a smile.

Izuku's face was also turned away cause he didn't want the other to see his face. "Izuku. . Its okay." Eijiro said as he took a step forward. Izuku tensed up at the use of his first name. He felt a shiver run through his body and he just knew the other saw it.

Eijiro was still as calm as ever as he watched Izuku react. "You liked that didn't you?" He teased softly as he watched him. "It's okay if you did." He reassured as he looked to the side. Izuku turned his head slightly to look at him.

That was a mistake. The male was still in his towel and had water dripping down his abs. Izuku let out a whine that was loud enough for Eijiro to hear over the sound of the water. The look Eijiro gave him a moment later made his cock throb.

Eijiro chuckled softly and his smile widened into a grin. "That was adorable." He said as he stepped into the shower with him. He closed the curtain and caged him against the wall. Izuku didn't seem to mind though. He was stuttering and struggling to say something him.

He wanted him badly and after he saw his half naked body and hearing him say his name he wanted him even more. Lust filled his body and he wanted to reach out for him and kiss him.

It was almost as if Eijiro read his mind. The redheads lips were on Izuku's a moment later and he felt like he was gonna collapse. He leaned against Eijiro for support. The other let his hand slip down to his hips, steadying him.

Izuku placed his hands on Eijiro's chest only for them to moved to his shoulders and then around his neck. He pulled him down and kissed back eagerly. Eijiro pulled away slightly and chuckled as he rubbed soothing circles on his hips.

"I-I thought you were with Ka-Kacchan. ." Izuku said breathlessly as he held onto Eijrio. Their lips were barely brushing. "If I was with him I wouldn't be doing this, now would I?" He replied calmly before letting their lips connect once again, this time  it was different.

Eijiro was gentle, trying his best not to hurt him with his sharp teeth. Izuku let out a needy whine and his fingers carded through his wet hair. Eijiro pressed Izuku back against the cold wall, earning a soft gasp from him. 

He took that moment to slip his tongue past his parted lips. This was all uncharted territory for Izuku. His eye's had widened slightly from surprise but let it happen. He attempted to kiss back so the other didn't tire of him. 

Their kiss lasted longer than the previous. Eijiro pulled away once again to let the flustered male breath. "Wanna come over to my room after dinner to study?" He asked softly as he brushed Izuku's green locks from his face. "Uh. . .um yeah. . I mean yes." Izuku replied, avoiding his eyes. His face felt like he was standing next to a bonfire. Eijiro studied him with a soft smile. "Alright I'll leave you to what you were doing." He leaned forward and pecked his lips one more time before leaving him there flustered.

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