Shigaraki x Dabi

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hintings of suicide.//

Shigaraki frowned as he walked out his room. He had just showered and his damp hair framed his face as it dried. The others were lounging around at the moment watching the news while Dabi nursed his drink at the bar.

The man seemed to be in deep thought about something and it was a bit too early in the day for him to be drinking. He downed the last bit of it before slamming the glass on the bartop and standing. He almost ran into Shigaraki as he made his way to his room. "Fuck . ." He grumbled shooting him a glare as he passed by.

Shigaraki frowned as the other disrespected him. He clenched his fists and scowled as he walked fo the bar. He didn't usually day drink but he guessed he'd have one glass before the evening. He poured himself something strong before sitting down.

He sipped on it and let his thoughts wander. The only one that actually knew it was his birthday was Kurogiri. He got up after a moment knowing he was probably going to get scolded by him if he was seen drinking.

He decided to take the drink to his room instead. He hurried there and shut the door despite Toga's complaints. She wanted the man to join them in watching a movie.

He ignored them and set the glass down. Laying on his bed he looked up at the ceiling, wondering how many more birthdays he had to look forward to. Surly not many more with how everything was going.

The LoV wasn't getting anywhere and his mental health was turning to shit. Kurogiri was just babysitting a bunch of fucked up adults. He closed his eyes after a while and tried to rest for a moment.

They had a meeting early in the morning that he was not looking forward to. He managed to fall asleep at some point but was rudely awoken by a loud knock at his door.

Shigaraki tried to ignore it but it kept occurring. He growled and got up, opening the door. "What the hell do you want?" He hissed and scowled at the person in front of him.

It took him a moment to realize that it was Dabi through his haze of sleep. The black haired male stood in front of him with a small box. "Someone's pissy." Dabi grumbled as he looked down at the man.

"Oh fuck off." Shigaraki said as he met his blue eyes. Dabi's eyes narrowed and his grip on the box tightened. "I'm beginning to have second thoughts on giving you a gift." He replied as he rested a hand on a hip.

"What?" Shigarakis voice was a bit raspy from just waking up. "Why the hell would you give me a gift?" He hissed. Dabi's eyes narrowed and the box smoked as he got pissed. "It's your birthday isn't it?" Dabi questioned.

"Yeah so what." Shigaraki replied as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a hand. Dabi sighed and handed him the box. "Well here you go. . .throw it out if you don't want it."

Shigaraki took it and looked down at the simple blue box. "Thanks. . ." He murmured softly. "Whatever." Dabi replied and turned away to leave. Shigaraki watched him for a moment before shutting his door. He went over to his bed and sat down with the box.

He opened it up and there was a cupcake inside. He was shocked for a moment as he looked at it. It was chocolate with white frosting and had a candle on the side of it. He was confused and for a moment wondered if it was poisoned. He frowned and closed the box, looking at his door.

He got up and left our his room to go to Dabi's. He stood outside of it for a moment and looked at the box in his hand. He raised his hand to knock on the door but it swung in. "You just gonna stand outside the door like a creep?" Dabi asked as he looked at him.

His eyes landed on the box in his hand and his jaw clenched. "I told you to get rid of it. Not bring it-" He was cut off by Shigaraki. "I don't have a lighter. . ." He murmured softly. He opened the box to show him the candle.

Dabi frowned when he saw it and reached in to grab it. He speared the cupcake with it before lifting a finger to light the candle. "There you go now leave." The flame burned blue for a moment before changing to red. The little bit of light lit up Shigarakid face and he cracked a small smile. "Thank you."

"Don't you dare start getting all sappy on me." Dabi warned as he scowled. He didn't feel comfortable enough to get close to the man. It wasn't that he didn't like him or anything, he did that's why he bought him the cupcake. He just need time.

"Yeah sorry." Shigaraki replied just as the other shut the door. The force of it blew out his candle. He looked down at it with sad eyes as he made his way back to his room.

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