Kiri x Baku Fluff

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Requested by OchakoBakugou27

Bakugo's pov.

"Bakugo look out!" I turned around to see Kirishima running at me. He was too late, the pink ball of light had already touched me causing my body to tingle. My vision went blurry and I fell to the ground

*Timeskip a few hours*

I opened my eyes and looked around. Kirishima and Aizawa were speaking to on another in a hushed tone. Aizawa noticed I was awake. Kirishima looked over at me and smiled in what looked like relief. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm going to go get Recovery Girl. Stay with him." Aizawa says before leaving the room.

"Ah..too tight." I felt a pain in my chest. Kirishima let go of me and stepped back. chest...

Why is is so round?

"I'm sorry Bakubro. I'm just glad your-"

"Turn around." I ordered, cutting him off. He looked at me confused, then he glanced down at my chest and a look of understanding flashed across his face. He turned around giving me some privacy. I sat up and made sure he wasn't peeking before I lifted my shirt.

My mouth dropped.


Kirishima jumped and turned around. Unfortunately my shirt was still up. He automatically covered his eyes and was apologizing profusely. I let the shirt cover me.

"I am so sorry Bakugo please don't kill me! I'm sorry!" Mr. Aizawa ran in with Recovery Girl in tow. He looked at us panicked until he realized what had happened.

"Oh it looks like he found out." Recovery Girl said picking up her clipboard. "How do you feel?"

I laid back down and glared at the ceiling. "Fine but there's this throbbing pain in my back." Kirishima uncovered his eyes and sat down in the chair next to the window. He had his face turned to look out the window but that didnt hide his red ears.

"Oh don't worry that's natural. You should turn back into a boy in about a week. Other than that you will be going about your day as normal." She says writing a few things down on her clipboard. She handed it to Mr. Aizawa for him to sign.

"You can leave anytime you want." She says before taking her clipboard and leaving us.

"What the hell." I whispered to myself. I sighed and rested my arms over my eyes. Mr. Aizawa was still standing next to the bed. "Need somthing?"

"I'll have a female uniform sent to your dorm room later. Would you like anything else?" He asks treading carefully.

"No I'm only going to be like this for a week. What am I going to possibly need in that time?"

"I'm not good at this sort of thing. But if you need help I'm here, and you can always call Midnight. I'm sure she'd be happy to help." He says heading towards the door. He gives us a small smile before he shuts the door.

*Timeskip about 3 hours. Current time is 8:32*

I was curled up in a fetal position trying to go to sleep. The pain in my lower back was persistent. It had spread to my abdomen. I groaned in pain and got up. There was somthing wet between my legs. I looked down to see a red splotch spreading. It got on my white bed sheets.

"FUCK!" I yelled and got up to run to the bathroom. I shut the door and took off my sweat pants and looked down. There was blood running down my leg. What do I do! Then I heard a voice I least expected. Not right now.

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