HawksxReader Angst.

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You moved to kiss keigos cheek before he went to work but he was already out the door. You frowned and looked down. Keigo had been acting strange lately. . .not wanting to hang out or go on dates. You had begun to notice him getting texts in the middle of the night.

You teared up and sniffled softly. After a moment you wiped your tears away quickly and went to clean up the kitchen. You had cooked for him that morning and all you got was a "thank you" and a soft "I love you".

It had been going on for a few weeks ever since he got stuck on night shifts as well as day. He'd get home at 3am and slept on the couch leaving you all alone in bed.

You decided to clean up the house after you did the kitchen. The cleaning was more of a domino effect. Finding something that rendered you unable to do something so you had to clean that. But other than clothes and a few dishes the place was clean.

After a few hours you went to go take a shower, setting the feather necklace on the counter you undressed and ran a bath. You decided to add bubbles wanting to relax. After a few minutes you check your phone to see if keigo had updated you on his day like he used to.

You smile to yourself as you check your notification but its quickly replaced with a frown.

'I love you!♡' You text to him quickly before setting the phone down.

After a moment he left you on read. You waited for him to respond but nothing came. A while later you texted again.

'Wanna watch a movie tonight if you're not too tired?'

Once again the text was left on read like many before it.

You texted a few more times but they were all left on read. You covered your face with your hands and began crying.

'Did I do something wrong?' You thought as you cried. You finished bathing after a moment and got out to dry off and dress having thought everything over. You went to the bedroom and looked at the closet before giving a nod of certainty. You went to grab a bag and put your things in it.

You carried it downstairs and set it next to the door before going to make dinner. You still loved him but you just couldn't handle it anymore. Tears slipped down your cheek as you made dinner and thought about all the things you both did together.

You finished cooking and cleaned again before leaving the plate in refrigerator with a note. You grabbed your coat and went to grab your bag as well but right when you went to open the door the knob twisted and Keigo came in.

"Hey baby bird." He said with a smile. You stared at the ground not wanting to look at him knowing you'd cry even more and wouldnt be able to leave.

Keigo frowned slightly. "You okay, love?" He asked softly as he shut the door. He tried to bring his hand to cup your face gently but you flinched away not wanting his touch knowing that if he touched you. . . .you wouldnt be able to leave.

He looked down at the bag and raised a brow. "You going somewhere?" He noticed his feather wasn't on you and got it to come to them and float onto you.

"I'm done and I don't
want your stupid feather." You say softly as you take the necklace off and shove it to his chest as you try to move past him. He held a wing out and blocked your way.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused. "Please look at me." He begged softly.

You look up showing your red eyes, your face was still red and damp from crying. Keigo's jaw clenched slightly when he saw you.

"Exactly what I said. I can't take it anymore. You're so distant and you're leaving me on read constantly. We dont even sleep in the same bed anymore." You began crying again and your hand slipped from his chest. Before it could fall he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer.

He wrapped his wings and arms around you cocooning you in. "Keigo!" You protest.

"Hush." He murmured as he buried his face in your neck. You stayed quiet as he hugged you.

"I'm sorry." He whispered after a few seconds. "I'm so sorry."

You wrapped your arms around him and cried. After a few minutes you calmed down and he looked down at you sadly.

"I didnt mean to make you feel this way." He murmured as he cupped your face gently.

You looked up at him and sniffled softly. "Work has been absolute hell. . ." He mumbled. "I-I really shouldn't even be saying this but. . . The mission I'm on right now is extremely dangerous and the reason I've been distancing myself from you is to keep you safe."

"You're a dumbass." You grumble as you try and pull away. Keigo kept a firm grip on you and you couldn't get away.

"Things will go back to the way they were after its over. . .I promise. " He murmured softly as he rubbed your back.

You closed your eyes tightly and then wrapped your arms around him. "They better. . ." You mumbled into his chest as you both hugged. He picked you up and carried you along with the bag to your shared room. All the crying had exhausted you and he noticed. "I'll lay with you for a while." He murmured as he laid back on the bed with you on his chest. He wrapped his wings around you to keep you warm and hummed softly until you were lulled to sleep.

Words 974

Part 2?

Excuse typos

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