Chapter 1

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For my new readers: Short note before the story begins.

A/N - When I started writing this story, I was new to the fandom. I loved Danielle and Stefania together and read a lot of fanfics about them. So I thought I'd write one of my own. I later on (when I went on Twitter) found out that a lot of people were against the whole Stefanielle ship, wanting people to separate the actors from their characters and not write fics about them. Which I understand completely. I respect it.

I almost stopped writing this story but my readers loved it and I decided to continue.

With that said.. this is my first and last fic about 'Stefanielle' .

Now, I hope you enjoy this story that I love so much. 🫶🏾


"Help! My water broke!" A girl yelled from across the restaurant from where Danielle was sitting, drinking her morning coffee. She looked up and quickly analyzed the scene that was in front of her. Danielle got up and rushed to the pregnant girl's side.

"Hi, I'm Danielle I am an OBGYN. I can help you. Danielle held onto the girl's hands when she realized she started to have a contraction.

"My husband is gonna be so upset! I have been feeling contractions since yesterday and I avoided them and now my baby is coming and I am alone and I am scared and my husband is not here and I am going to have a baby in a coffee shop and I-"

Danielle cuts her off. "Hey.. calm down okay? You're going to be okay. Help me help you alright?. The girl nods. "Okay. What's your name?", Danielle asked. "I'm Anna" she replied. "Alright Anna... I am just going to check to see what we are working with okay?". Anna gave a nod nd Danielle quickly sanitized her hands before checking the girl. She paused. And looked up at her. "What is it?" asked Anna.

"I can feel the baby's head. There is a lot of hair" Danielle said as a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "What?" Anna could not believe she was already so close to holding a child in her arms. "Anna keep calm. You!". Danielle directed her attention to one of the coffee shop workers. "Get me some clean towels, some warm water and a scissors quickly". The girl runs off.

"Hi.. I can help you if you need another hand in this. Tell me what I can do". Danielle looked up and she froze. Above her was a beautiful woman.. maybe the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Danielle shook her head as she is brought back to earth by a scream from Anna. "It hurts so bad!"

Danielle looked back to the lady above her. "I need you to sit behind her and support her as much as you can.. She is scared and that will help her and me a lot." The girl nods as she quickly made her way behind Anna. "What's your name?" Danielle asked.

"I'm Stefania." The brunette answered. At the same time the worker came back with the requested items. "Thank you" Danielle said and she quickly set up the items. "Anna I want you to push on the next contraction. Don't push until it comes as we want to avoid you getting a tear.. alright?". Anna nods as Stefania rubbed her lower back with one hand and held her hand tight with the other.

Anna screamed has the next contraction took over her body and she pushed causing the baby's head to escape her canal. "Great job Anna! You're doing so well" Stefania said as she wiped Anna's forehead with a warm clothes. "Anna, the baby's head is out." Danielle said. "You're next contraction will come in a few seconds and when it does I want you to give me a big push alright?" Stefania adjusted herself to give a better to support to Anna as her contraction arrived helping Anna to push to baby out completely.

A loud cry was heard coming from Danielle's arms after she stuck her fingers in the child's mouth to remove fluids from rubs her bottom. "It's a girl! Danielle announced as she wrapped the baby in a towel and brought her to Anna. "Congratulations Anna you did great!" exclaimed Danielle. Anna started crying, gently rubbing her thumb over the baby's cheeks and whispering sweet nothings to her.

An ambulance arrived and Anna and the baby were loaded into it as Danielle spoke with the paramedic about the delivery process that took place. Anna gestured to Stefania to approach her and then looked from her to Danielle and said, "I'm so grateful for the help you both extended to me today. I'm so thankful. Thank you. Thank you. They both tried to play off Anna's praise making her laugh. "I'm glad you are okay and your baby is the cutest little thing" Stefania said. "Yea the cutest" Danielle chimed in as she glanced over and looked at Stefania before looking back at Anna and the baby.

The Ambulance drove off leaving Danielle and Stefania standing next to each other. "Stefania it was yes? you're name? Danielle asked. "Si, yes" Stefania replied as she held out her hand for Danielle to shake. "I'm Danielle". She returned Stefania's hand shake with a sweet smile. "I usually start my mornings off with coffee and croissants before delivering babies but I guess the universe had other plans" Danielle said as she released Stefania's hand. "Thank you for helping with the delivery. You were great." The blond smiled and said, "You are the one who did a great job. It was clear that you are good at what you do. I also like to start my mornings with Croissants and coffee so do you want to join me?"

Danielle was surprised at the invitation but she begrudging declined due to the little time she had left to get to the hospital for her morning rounds. Stefania, though disappointed, understood especially when she realize that she herself did not have much time to get to her office. Daniella offered to buy them both coffee and croissants to go and Stefania could not say no.

"Thank you" Stefania said as she took the cup from Danielle. "You're welcome. Anyways I have to run but may I'll see you again here sometimes" Stefania smiled and said, "Maybe". They waved goodbye to each other and Danielle regretted not asking that gorgeous woman for her number. As she walked to her car her mind was stuck on a woman she had just met. But, a woman that was the most beautiful she had ever seen. A woman she may never see again? and she shook her head at the though hoping that she would run into her a another morning.

Stefania on the other hand also had an interest in the beautiful woman she had just met. But, she knew that they would see each other again. She did not know when nor where but she hoped that maybe.. just maybe she would see Danielle again.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed my first ever update!
Good things ahead!

Stay safe! xoxo

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