Chapter 21

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Danielle and Stefania had decided to go back to work and had been back for two weeks now.

There had been a shortage in staff at the hospital where Danielle works so they decided that this up coming weekend would be the one they take away.

The blonde felt bad about it but of course the Italian understood and it helped that herself always had a long list of patience.

Stefania was really alright. As a therapist she knew how to pick apart certain feeling and then work through them. In addition, the time home with Danielle had made the process unbelievably better than what the brunette ever expected it to be.

Stefania felt safe with her girlfriend and appreciated every minute and every second that they share together.

When Danielle and Stefania started to plan their time away, they had been indecisive on where to go and whenever they decided on somewhere it was either fully booked or had unfulfilling amenities.

Initially, the plan was to go out of state but eventually they decided against it. The women knew for sure that they wanted to unwind and get away from the noise and ultimately all things that reminded them that of their everyday life. They wanted to connect with nature and just to be one with each other as a whole.

After a few days of looking for a getaway spot, Danielle came across a lovely resort and spa that was surrounded by nature, in state and to her surprise, only an hour and thirty-seven minutes away from Seattle.

That was a plus for them because the last they wanted to do at that point was to waste their weekend time on a plane or on a long far ride. Those options could wait for when they embark on a much longer vacation.

Both women were happy that they had finally found a place to their weekend vacay and took liberty in celebrating in the best wat they know how. Truth be told, they were tired from work but definitely not too tired to lose themselves in each other. Never.
“I’m so tired.” Stefania said.

It was now the Thursday night before they would have to leave and still had some packing to do. They ensured to request the Friday off so they could have a three-day weekend instead of two days.

They spent some time finishing up their packing, ate dinner, take a shower together and finally were in bed cuddled up together.

“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Danielle asked her girlfriend, already knowing the answer.

“Shut up.” Stefania laughed out knowing Danielle was messing with her. Ever since they made their reservation the Italian’s excitement had been obvious and Danielle loved it.

“Hmmm. You smell good” Stefania said, when she snuggled closer to Danielle and buried her head between the blonde’s shoulder and neck, inhaling all her scent.

“We smell the same cause we used the same body wash.” Danielle chuckled out before running her hands up and down Stefania’s back under her satin pyjama top. “so we definitely smell the same.”

Stefania didn’t respond and instead just continued to inhale her girlfriend’s scent before she started to pepper kisses along Danielle’s neck.

“I thought you were tired.” The blonde said as her eyes fell shut, revelling in the feeling of her favourite lips against her neck.

“I am.” The Italian said as she ran her tongue up to Danielle’s ear and bit the bottom of it. “But, I also want to make love to my girlfriend.” She continued and peppered kisses over Danielle’s cheek until their mouths were only an inch away.

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