Chapter 29

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After being in the hospital for a week, Danielle was finally well enough to go home to continue her recovery. She had become extremely miserable in the hospital bed and kept begging her coworkers to pull some strings and get her discharged. Of course, she was turned down because her remaining in the hospital was necessary.

Stefania, being by her side constantly, had to endure a lot of the whining and the occasional crying because her fiancé felt ‘achy’.

The Italian herself was miserable and just wanted to be home but she’d never leave Danielle even when the American suggested that she went home and get proper rest, but she refused. Of course, Danielle wanted her to be with her, but she knew her lover too well and wanted her to get the rest she needed.

But after pushing she gave up knowing she wouldn’t have left either if the roles were reversed.

Thankfully they wouldn’t need to spend any more time in the hospital and could finally go home and be in the comfort of their own home.

“Hi Dr Savre. Ready to go?” Both women looked towards the nurse that walked into the room pushing a wheelchair.

“Hi.” Danielle greeted back with a smile. “I am more than ready to go but I don’t need a wheelchair.” She said lifting her bag that Stefania immediately took form her.

‘Dr Savre, it’s just policy that patients are escorted out of the hospital and in wheelchairs, as you know.”

Danielle released a loud sigh, well aware of the ‘protocol’. “I know. But it doesn’t hurt to try my luck.” she said before moving to sit in the wheelchair with no further complaints.

“I hate this.” Danielle said in a grumbled as she was being rolled out of the hospital, sporting the biggest frown on her face.
“I know, Bambina.” Stefania said/ letting out a small giggle when she saw the look on Danielle’s face.

They got to the car in less than five minutes and Danielle’s swears it was way longer than that.

“Babe, may I drive?” She asked already knowing the answer that’s she’s going to get.

“No.” Stefania responded immediately, giving her fiancé a knowing glare.

“Fine.” Danielle replied holding her hands up in defeat. She really just wanted to do something, and she thought driving really wouldn’t be such a big deal. But she knew better than to argued right now. “Can we at least stop at McDonald’s? I could really use some comfort food right now.”

“Of course, we can.” Stefania said as the pulled out of the parking lot of the hospital. “We can get milkshakes and whatever else you want.”

There was a McDonald’s not to far from the hospital, so in no ti.e they got their meals and were on their way home.


“The minute I get into that apartment I am going straight for a well desired shower.” Danielle said as they mad their way into the apartment building.”

But Stefania didn’t respond, hoping her fiancé would be okay and not disappointed about the company that awaited her on the other side of their apartment door.

“Surprise!” Danielle jumped putting her hand over her heart not expecting to be screamed at her the moment she set foot inside.

The four friends wanted to throw Danielle a small welcome home party and the Italian agreed thinking Danielle would be up for interacting with her friends in the comfort of her home instead of in a hospital room.

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