Chapter 7

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Despite the constant rain on Saturday the following was a bright and beautiful Sunday. Stefania had already left to get things done at her home so she could be ready for work the next day. Danielle decided that she wanted to share what had happen between her and the brunette with her friends and so she invited them over for a much needed girl time.

Danielle heard her phone ping and looked to see who it was seeing that the Italian had sent her a message.

Stefania: Hi Bella. I got home safely. xo. Danielle smiled and shot her back a quick text.

Danielle: I'm glad you are safe beautiful. My friends are coming over to hangout so I'll talk to you later when you're finish with your preparations?

Stefania: Si.. will be a while but as soon as I'm done I'll call. Ciao!  xo

Danielle: Okay.. Bye beautiful! xoxo

Danielle tossed her phone to the coach as she continued to put things together for her friend's visits. She laid out different snack, juice and wine as it was not long until the girls arrive. Just as the blonde was about to get some ice from the freezer she heard her door bell and quickly went to open the door revealing two of her favorite women; her best friends, Barrette and Jaina.

"Hey bestie!" They both said on queue as Danielle opened the door.

"Did you guys rehearse that?"

"We definitely did because you re the bestest bestie in the whole world" says Barrett pulling Danielle into a tight hug.

"The best!" Jaina adds.

"Okay.. you guys do know that you don't have to butter me up right? I planned on telling you everything about what happened." Danielle said as she walked over to her sofa.

"I told you so." Jaina said as she hit Barrett's arm.

"Ouch" the curly hair woman hissed. "She is the bestest friend anyways" she laughed and Jaina rolled her eyes playfully.

They walked over to the sofa where Danielle was and all three sat down and grabbed a glass of wine.

"So about Stefania.." and a smile appeared on Danielle's face at the mention of the Italian's name? "What's going on there? We want all the details" says Barrett.

"Trust me, you do not want all the details" said Danielle as she bit her bottom lips remembering the sex between her and the brunette.

"Ooohh Hot sex!" exclaimed Jaina. "Please. Do tell." Danielle laughed and began to tell her friends about the sexy, gorgeous Italian that she had spent the last 2 nights with.

"She didn't leave until this morning? Really?" asked Berrett.

"Yes really. She I didn't want her to go at first and then she didn't bother want to leave the next day. Plus we had a date yesterday that the rain mad impossible but I feel like our time together was better than what it would have been if we actually went out and were around other people. It was nice. I didn't want it to end." Danielle said and the sparkle in her eyes when she spoke of the Italian did not go unnoticed to her friends who looked at each other and smiled.

"You really like her don't you? asked Jaina.

"I really like her." Danielle said. "I know we basically just met each other but there's something about her".

"I'm happy for you Dani" and both friends were happy at the fact that their bestfriend was clearly serious about pursuing a new love interest.

The three girls talked more and drank wine and later decided to watch some tv. When it was getting late they Jaina and Barrett decided to share a cab to get back home.

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