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Gulf looks to the wall clock and it just hit 3:am . He was wide awake and tired ,but he just couldn't sleep. The fear eating away at him was unlike any other.

" Am I pregnant?" Was the question on his mind .
After they had finished making love, for the first time ever  Gulf couldn't sleep,even though he was physically tired his eyes wouldn't close , probably because his heart was not at peace. Gulf had wondered so many things over time. What was going to happen now. Was he going to get pregnant, and would Yibo accept it , and should he come clean to the man already. So many questions and yet no answer, one thing he knew though was that he needs the morning after pills in other for him to eliminate the possibility of him getting pregnant when he was most definitely wasn't ready to be a parent and he was sure neither was Yibo.
So yes Gulf was very scared as he waited for the time to hit 4: am,so he could go out of town ,find a drugstore and get the morning after pills.

So he laid by Yibo's side as he waited for an hour to go by.

Gulf didn't waste time as the clock hit four, he got up, turn off the alarm that was to go off at five, got dress in a haste ,not caring to bath since he had a bath after their previous night activities that has left him in this state if mind. Got the car keys and left the apartment.
He drove for an hour plus out of town before going to first drug store, then the next and the next. And each one kept looking at him like he was high or something, before telling him they were out of it.
It wasn't until the fourth drug store slash supermarket he found what he was looking for, he took all six remaining packets ,just to be safe,who knows when Yibo would ask for them to have sex again without a condom.

Gulf made  his way to the cashier, when he got there his eyes went to the clock and it was already 7:46am. Shit he had a board meeting by 8:am.
And the drive from his office to his home was thirty minutes, and he was an hour and half away from the city shit ,he was going to have a very long day , but first thing first.

" Good morning " Gulf greeted the cashier with a fake smile on his lips , even though he was most definitely not having a good morning, but he was calmer now though the drugs he needed was in his hands along with a bottle water, he could consider this crisis averted.

" Emmm......... Good morning ....." Said the cashier staring at him in surprise.
She knows this man, she has a magazine with his face on it in her bedroom, he was her soulmate, well more like her crush, but yes this was him.( Screams internally)

Gulf kanawut the face of Moth and the model of G.Gold first ever photo shoot before Wang Yibo took over as the face.
And he was here infront of her buying........what was he buying..........( She scanned the things she was removing from the basket into are counter and she was even more shocked now. )
Senior Gulf was buying birth control pills and some sweets and snacks, Bottle of water and spirit. She so wanted to sell those things to the man and let him go with the illegal drug like she did with her other customers,  since was one of the people against what the government was doing and had signed into law just last week. The health inspectors were not yet checking the drugs stores in small towns just yet, but till then, she was going to sell as much birth control as possible. she had a whole carton at home.
But this was Gulf kanawut and the man she had wet dreams for and refused to get over ,even though his time in the line light was brief , only the occasional advertising for moth perfume with new photos of him looking hotter and sexier each time. No one saw the man or knew were he was. He was like a ghost,not even a social media presence to speak off.

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