The CW

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Gulf had left his family his home and everything he knew and loved in pursuit of education in another country.

When he had gotten there he had immediately went to the school were he did he finally registration. Which was made easy for him due to all the French classes he took and all the movies he watched without subtitles. 
Gulf was given his forms and accommodations.

He started his studies well, and did his best. All the while staying away from his roommate who was a  chronic womaniser. The guy had even placed a curtain between them in thesame room,so he could still have sex with his flings when Gulf was in the room.

The guy name was June. And he didn't give a fuck. He was an art Major just like Gulf ,but he bearly saw the guy in their shared classes.
Gulf  had many sleepless nights due to the moans from the guy and his lovers. To the extent that he was now suffering from sleeping deprivation.

He had thought of reporting him. But his course mate Champ had told him it was not a good idea. Apparently June's father was a member of the school board and June was an A+ student who had won medals for the school on several art competitions. It was part of the reason they placed them in a room together because they had hope the two would get along since Gulf was a   genius  himself.

So Gulf had ended up calling his dad and crying to him that he needed to leave off campus.
With that James had wired enough money into his account to rent an apartment outside school.

It took sometime,but he found one apartment with the help of champ. But the place was huge and he didn't find it practical for him to leave in alone. That was when Champ had suggested they leaved in it together.
That there were twenty bedrooms with their own toilets. Why not  just form an Asian club in school since there wasn't one to begin with. They could all just pay the rent by annual donations and collections by each one of them. Two to a room would suffice.

Gulf had taken it to the school board and it was accepted after much debating on their part. They had to prepare a whole power point, but he didn't have to do it alone as they had all the Asian students signature to not rent but now to buy the house and creat the club.
It had taken so much for Gulf to get those signatures as he went from dorm to dorm, class to class. Food court to cafeteria to restaurant. And Even stopping anyone he met to give him their signature. And they got it after a whole two weeks .
Champ had teased him that it was his cuteness and charm that made them sign,that they should wait and see that not much would join after the club was  formed.

But Gulf knew the reason they were successful was because Mild , Champ's

But Gulf knew the reason they were successful was because Mild , Champ's

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