Chapter 12 ; Confused

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I awoke to the soft sound of rain tapping against my window, slowly growing louder as I looked up at the ceiling, trying to gather myself, feeling my head throb as I remembered I forgot to take more Advil before I fell asleep but it would have worn off anyways. I sat up, the room spinning as I tried to grasping for my still sight back. The room soon waited still as I threw the sheet off my legs and swung my legs on the side of the bed, then looking at my pale feet, seeing the purple and blue veins run under my almost bleach white skin. I raised my head up, letting out a heavy sigh as I got up, walking into the bathroom and looking into the terrible, terrible mirror. I saw that I was even paler then I have ever have, dark purple bags circling under my tired and lifeless dark brown eyes.

I did much as I could in the bathroom to avoid Winter's look of sadness, knowing I wasn't going to back down from going to Pittsburgh. I walked to my closet, my feet skidding against the light wooden flooring, too lazy to pick up my feet. I threw on a black Nirvana t-shirt, black jeans, my leather jacket that had rhinestones on the shoulder parts. I put on my combat boots and just threw on a quick layer of mascara; knowing Winter would have a fit if I didn't put any on.

Fear and uneasiness filled my quickly as I came into the living room, seeing nobody. Winter, Jay, Fredrick and the others, they were gone. I saw a small paper on the black marble counter. I suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy. I slowly stumbled my way to the counter, to the note, and almost fell on the counter when I got the feeling what she did. Winter's elegant handwriting was scribbled all over the small piece of paper, still the most amazing writing I have ever seen.


I'm so sorry to do this but I had to leave you home, safe in Washington. It's too dangerous for you to be here in Pittsburgh so please, please, PLEASE, don't come. I just don't want you to get hurt. All of us are long gone and probably are here in Pittsburgh by the time you read this. Just be safe and I promise we will be back soon... with Evan. I miss you already writing this and everything will go perfectly fine. I promise. I have to go and I wish I can write more but this will have to do... I miss you, love you, and I hope you stay put but knowing you, . Just stay put.

Love, Winter.

My heart ached as I read the small print Winter had written and I could actually feel my heart breaking when I read Evans name. She knew better then to leave me here and we both knew I was taking the first plane to Pittsburgh. I grabbed my purse and packed much as I thought I needed, grabbing a few extra dollars then I should of, but its better then not being prepared. I ran to my car, looking at the time on my phone and saw it's almost noon. I slid into the driver side and turned the engine on, fleetly pulling out of the driveway as I drove down the windy road to the airport, parking my car quickly, and turning off the silent engine, locking the doors twice so I knew no-one would easily steal my car. I practically ran to the entrance of the airport, almost running through the glass of the sliding glass doors and then ran to the ticket line, looking for Pittsburgh, PA to pop up in the flight list, hoping that if it was there it wouldn't be full. I saw the first letters; Pittsbu- and then stopped reading, looking at the red head that sat behind the count, typing away at her keyboard. "Excuse me, but are there any seats left in the flight to Pittsburgh PA?" I asked, making sure that there was nothing wrong with the flight board.

She looked up from the computer screen and the gave a soft smile. "I believe there is, but let me check..." She trailed off, looking back to the screen, typing away again. "Um, yes. There are many seats open but the plane is departing in 10 minutes... there is another one at 3-"

I interrupted her, not wanting to wait four hours. "No, I can make it... something... bad, has happened so I'm in a rush." I gave weak toothless smile so I didn't seem too greedy.

She stared at me, seeming to be offended by my eagerness. "Oh. Okay..." She trailed off again and then asked for my information and I quickly answered, tapping my foot and watched the clock, feeling tighter inside, every moment feeling like I'm going to puke. I finally got my ticket and she seemed relieved when I ran the other way.

I was glad I only had my purse so I wasn't hauling a too stubborn object for something with no brain. I ran to security, taking off my boots and jacket as I ran, impatiently waiting in the line that was coincidentally not that long but long enough for me to miss my flight. I put my purse, boots and my leather jacket. I made my way out of security and quickly put on my boots, grabbing my purse and jacket, feeling no need to put my jacket on now. My running felt like I was running through quicksand but with giant boulders I have to swerve around, and then I saw my gate, and I moved my legs faster and then I ran to the gate, stopping at security, and by that time I was breathless. I looked at the short darker skinned woman, her black hair in a messy bun. She smiled and took my ticket, and I soon realized that I was the last person when she closed the door behind me.

I picked the far back seat, where there was nobody really sitting, since the flight wasn't really full at all. I sat by the window, my purse sat in the seat next to me and I watched outside the window the whole plane ride. The only time I really looked away from the stream of clouds below was when I was asking for peanuts and water. Eating was somewhat getting my mind off things. Somewhat.

When the plane landed I was the first person to get off oddly, as I jogged quickly down the plane isle, running out off the gate. I put my jacket on, on the plane, knowing it was cold when I saw the snow layering everything as we flew over the city. I quickly made my way through the airport and eagerly looked for a taxi, spotting the first on I could find, I slid into the backseat, telling the taxi to head to 621 Penn Avenue in Pittsburgh. I watched out the window as he drove and then when he made it there I was scared to find a line of people waiting to get inside, to buy tickets and then I felt like crying. I took a deep breath to calm my breathing and then asked him to take me to the nearest car rental place.

I looked at the cars; not really caring because I was so anxious to find Evan and hug him, kiss his cold lips again. I picked an older silver Jeep, signing papers and then quickly driving to a parking lot of a small restraint named Eat-n-Park. I took out a map of Pittsburgh they gave be at the car rental place, even thought I knew every back road here. I circled abandoned places I knew of and then I thought of the place nobody ever dared to go to and if they did want to go they already have now; Bellevue Hospital. It apparently was a hospital for the 'Insane.' I remembered where it was located, it was somewhere in the Western side of Pittsburgh. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards where I last thought it was.

I drove and drove and then I stopped in front of the giant abandoned hospital that was sitting on a small hill that was covered with soft looking snow, and the dark woods settled behind the mysterious hospital. I heard loud booms and crashing inside of the hospital that never made a sound. Thats when I found them, when I found Evan.

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