Chapter 17 ; Violin

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Basically the whole time everyone was gone Russell and I talked and I read. I practically read so much that i was starting to reread books. That was until vampires started to show. The first vampires to show were from Italy, the Altieri coven, sent from Alice and Jay. The first vampire I had met was Spencer, who had long dark brown curly hair running down to her waist that was sort of messy looking but it looked just as good as any other vampires hair. Utterly gorgeous. She was short compared to me, but just as thin. Her eyes were hard and black, making her look the bravest among the group. The next vampire I met was Andrea, whose hair was down to her mid stomach, but her hair was black and straight, a small wave to it and a bit messy like Spencer's. Her hair was shinning against the glow of outside, making me envious of her already. She was shorter than Spencer, probably by just a few inches. It caught me by surprise to see her wearing red lipstick, like she wasn't pretty enough. Her eyelashes were already naturally long, and naturally looking like she is wearing a bit of black eye shadow like everybody else. Well every other vampire. I was too busy being surprised by her use of lipstick and how much they all look like they are wearing makeup to realize she was smiling, her bright red eyes flashing with happiness.

Then came the coven, I was personally waiting for, the Quintino coven. Sarah's face lit up with excitement when she saw me, squealing as she ran over to me.

"Kennedy!" She called in her ribbon like voice, wrapping her long, pale arms around me, nearly crushing me.

"Hey, Sarah. Uh... I can't really, you know, breathe." I choked out, my arms wrapped around her as much as I could from her strong grip. She quickly released me, chuckling a bit as she looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry. I forgot your not as strong as me." She said and chuckled again. "So, who's here with you?"

"Uh, Russell is upstairs and the Altieri coven is here. I think they're hunting somewhere in another town because the population in this town is already suffering." I joked, giving her a toothless smile.

"Altieri? I don't think we have met them before. But it would be marvelous to meet new people." She said just as Oswald wrapped his arm around her waist, standing closely to her.

"Great. Hey Oswald." I said and give his a small wave even though he was right there.

"Hello Kennedy." He said in his formal and rich voice that made sound like a couch potato that hasn't talked in days. In my opinion. I had to say, hanging out with all of these beautiful, formal and perfect vampires is really killing my self esteem.

"Emma, Ashley, Sarah and Oswald. How are you guys?" And then Russell was right next to me, with his small, toothless smile on. Then Emma and Ashley were on the other side of Sarah, a small smile on both of their faces, looking at Russell, straight through me.

"Perfect. How about yourself?" Ashley asked, her eyes to golden it looked like melted cheese was going to pour out of them.

"Good. Would you guys like to come inside?" He asked, looking at Oswald, then Sarah and then lastly the liquid gold sisters.

"We would be happy to." Oswald said, him and Sarah locking arms and then they were gone, probably already inside.

Russell turned to me and smiled, looking at the house and then back at me. "Do you want a ride or should I walk with you?"

I heard Ashley sneer in disgust, making Russell laugh at whatever she was thinking and then the liquid gold sisters were gone. "Uh, you really don't need to walk with me. I'm pretty sure Ashley and Emma want to drool all over you."

He laughed, the first time I have ever seen him laugh. "They will have their fair share of drooling." He said and then we started walking to the house, him walking the slower then usual so I could keep up without tripping on my own foot.

"So, why are they all googly eyes for you now? Last time they were here they were normal."

"I don't know. I think they know for sure that I'm available so they are trying to get the spot."

"Are you interested in either of them."

"I'm the more of a... I don't know. They seem a little too, normal." That's when I heard a loud crash of what sounded like glass hitting the floor or wall. We both looked up at the second floor, chuckling.

"I think they heard."

"So do I."

The living room had shards of glass all over the floor, and Oswald and Emma trying to clean up the floor. I looked over to the other side of the room and saw Sarah talking to Ashley, who was looking at me with black eyes, angry eyes.

It all happened too fast, but it all started when Ashley snarled under her breath and lunged forward, Russell pushing me back, hitting me against the wall and Oswald and Russell lunging forward to stop her. Then it was black.

I was still able to think, which made me come to the conclusion that I must of got knocked out when I hit the wall and I probably looked like a dumb ass just laying there on the floor. But the glass. Did I land on glass? Was I bleeding? Bleeding in front of five vampires? Then a soft and beautiful voice came into hearing. Even though it was muffled, it sounded like a beautiful violin melody, A melody with no beat to it, like it was like a sort of free style. Then it started getting clearer.

"... Oswald, I can hear the Altieri's thoughts. They drink human blood so they will attack if they come in right now. Could you?"

"No problem."

It was hard to identify them but it sounded like Russell up close and Oswald on the other side of the room, more muffled then Russell.

"I think she's going to wake up soon."

"Lets hope so."

"Wait... Alice? I hear Alice."

"Alice? Isn't she supposed to be looking for vampires?"

"Yes, but I think she saw what happened and wanted to see Kennedy."

By that time I lost track on who was talking, all I knew was Alice was somewhere and I might wake up soon?

"Kennedy!" I heard that beautiful, soprano voice call my name. It was Alice. I just wanted to run to her and hug her cold, beautiful body. I felt a cold, thin and tiny hand touch my cheek and it made me flinch, which made it disappear.

"How long will she be out for?"

"A while... unless you..."

"No. That will just cause her more pain. And if she can get better, why do it?"

"Russell, they are coming for her. And she doesn't have a hundred percent chance of surviving. She could be killed in a way that's much worse then the change."

"Well we have until then to change her. I'm not going to risk her life when it doesn't need risking. And if anybody should do it, it should be Fredrick or... Evan."

"Russel. Evan isn't coming-"

"Don't say it. She might not be able to move but she can hear."

Evan isn't coming where? Where isn't Evan coming? Why isn't he here? Evan. Why isn't Rachelle, or Fredrick, or Hazel here? Where is Rose and Ian here?

"Russell! She's having a panic attack!"

"I know, I hear her heart. Alice, what do we do? Is she going to be okay?"

"I don't know, Russell. I have to look."

"Well hurry!"

"Well maybe if you haden't pushed her against the wall-"


Stop fighting. Stop fighting. I wanted to scream it. I wasn't worth fighting for. If I would just keep calm and stop worrying so much, I would of maybe been able to keep them calm. The voices started to muffle again and the darkness grew darker and it was pulling be deeper. What a beautiful violin harmony.

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