Chapter 3 ; Winter

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The doorbell rang around noon, I walked up to the door in my black crop top and black high wasted jeans toped off with my favorite shoes, combat boots. I saw the fimiluar face but it looked like a whole other person, there stood before me my old friend that i met in 1st grade, Winter, the little girl who was shy and kept away from the world was now wearing a bright pink dress, sparkly pink heels and a black small ribbion wrapped around the waist of the dress, now her long black hair at the length of her chin, in a very stylish way. I was surprised she wasnt cold or anything, in the sleeve-less dress.

I opened the door, welcoming her in and her coming in for an immediate hug, wrapping her arms around my neck, and I hugged her waist a little confused and unsure but just went with it. She soon released me, looking at me with golden eyes, and a bright and shinny smile. She was now so happy and so energetic, completely different from how she used to be. I smiled at her, happy to see her doing well. "Hey, you look great!" I commented her, followed by a soft chuckle looking at her apperance, and she smiled and did a small bow, standing up straight and looking at me. "You look amazing as well! Your hair got so long, it used to be up to your chin." She said in a happy and cheerful voice that seemed to light the house up.

"Would you like anything to drink... food?" I asked while looking back at her, taking a couple steps towards the stairs.

"No thank you, I just ate, but i could go for some tea, if you have any?" She said and followed me up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Yeah, of course, one sec." I said and walked over to the fridge, grabbing the tea out of the fridge, and pouring two glasses for the both of them. "Sugar?" I asked as I put sugar in mine, waiting for her to respond.

"No thanks, not the sugary type." She said while scrunching her nose and letting out a small giggle, making me chuckle. I handed her her tea, taking a sip of mine while putting it on the white coffee table that had a small wooden bowl filled with red apples. I looked at her and smiled softly, actually envyous of how beautiful and out going she was, wishing I was that happy. "So how are you doing, like what has happened since that last year of middle school?" I asked, actually smiling, a dimple ingraving into my cheek, well only on the left cheek, the right one had a small one but was mostly a blank space.

She sighed and looked around, trying to think and then I could tell when she thought of something because her whole face lit up with joy. "Well I found the perfect guy, that I met a couple months ago, and well really just have been just working my way through collage." She said and smiled.

"Oh my God that's fantastic, good luck!" I said and smiled wider.

We talked all evening, talking about old memories, little things that have happened over the years, just a bunch of little stuff that made it worth it. I soon realised that it was dark when I looked out the window for a second. "Oh, its getting late, uhm, you can stay here tonight, I have pajama's and a spare bedroom and bathroom you could use." I said and got up, looking at her white she stood as well, looking at her and then out the window and then back at me, a smile appering across her face. "Sure!" She said in her happy and cheery voice.

We walked up to the top level, where all of the bedrooms and the bathrooms were at, actually four bedrooms, and led her to the one next door to mine, that had pearlish sense to it that had a red rug, placed in the middle of the room. She smiled and squeeled, looking at all of the furniature and I left her for a moment to gwt her pajamas and then placed them on her bed when she was in the bathroom. "Hey Winter, I'm gonna head off to bed, long day for me." I said and heard her call goodnight from the bathroom, and I smiled, walking to my room, changing and then turning off the light, closing my eyes while listening the the soft drizzle of rain start to drop.

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