Chapter 20 ; A New Beginning

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know that this is sadly, the last chapter. I know, there wasn't a lot going on in this book and it was pretty boring but the second book that I'm working on is going to be more action packed, more romance, and some things will be answered that was in the first book. Like, what those voices were in Kennedy's dreams and there will be some back stories. So I hoped you somewhat enjoyed the book and will read the next book. And hopefully there will be longer chapters!

Thank you! :)


"We need to get her home, now!"

"I can't do it!"

"You have to, if you don't she'll die!"

"Fredrick has to!"


The screams from the two angles broke my heart. They sounded like they were in pain. Angles aren't supposed to be in pain. The angle's voices trailed off, like someone was turning them down. I just wanted to run to the upset angles and hug them so they will feel better, but the darkness closed in and I was tied down, unable to move. My lungs felt like they were being crushed, it was getting harder to breathe. Harder to even think.

Before I knew it I saw a small light shinned for a brief moment. I wanted to run to the light, I wanted to be free. There was't any good reason why I even should be living. But what about Alice? My tiny black haired Alice. But she had Jay and her family. She would survive. And I would be happy in my little forever in blackness. No worrying, no hurting, I could sleep forever without the worry of ever getting hot, or cold, or hurt. Ever.

I felt a small pinch on my wrist and my arm, warmth spreading through my body. It was nice, it was nice to know that I wouldn't die cold, I would die warm. The warmth slowly getting warmer by the moment. Hotter, hotter, too hot, too hot, too hot. My body was burning, not the outside but my lungs, my heart, everything. I wanted to roll around in ice cold water and hope the burning would stop. I wanted to scream and thrash around but those invisible wires kept me stable physically, but mentally, I was a wreak.

I saw a red glow of light appear, then slowly disappear. I was beginning to hear the screaming angles and crashes of metal pans. And then it was silent. The only thing that was breaking the silence was my beating heart trying to run away from the burning, run away from the pain. What happened to my peaceful darkness? I want it back, I don't want to be alive, there is no point to life for me. Not anymore there is.

My toes and finger tips started to grow numb, pushing the heat and pain away to the center of my body. It felt like eternity, waiting for the pain to escape my feet and hands. But I was starting to hear the angles, they kept asking, 'How is she?' and the same angle voice always answered, 'The same.'

It wasn't until when the numbness reached my hips and shoulders that the answer was different.

"How is she?"

"I don't know. She has been changing and her heart is beating at different paces."

"She's going to be fine. She just needs time and then she will be alright. But she does look different. Beautiful."

And then it was silent again. I heard a piano play from downstairs, and then someone hit the wrong note, messing up the whole song.

"No, that key, not this one."

Then the music played again, the song fixed. The burning was gone from my chest and everywhere, except my throat, making it easier to concentrate on the music. Then it stopped. Everything was quiet except the sound of different types of shoes coming near. Flats, heels, sneakers, another type of shoe that was different from the rest.

"Fredrick..." The angle next to me called his voice low like a whisper.

"It should be in about a few minutes."

Then it was silent. I waited for the burning in my throat to go away but it never did. It just grew more painful by the second.

"She could have lived. We didn't have to-"

"If we didn't she would of been unconscious for weeks or months. She lost a lot of blood."

I bled? Where? That set my throat on fire, making me flinch.

"Kennedy?" The angle called and I opened my eyes.

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