Chapter 2 ; World Alone

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Monsters whisper in my ear, creating fearful visons in my dreams as sleep in the dark night, a soft tap of rain hitting the window. The monsters tell me their secrets and tell me whats coming, a war that will end all, they will be revealed and everybody will be killed.

I scream into my pillow, thrashing around for a moment before waking up, quickly rising drawing a deep breath. Everything was quiet, the only sound was my deprate grasp of steady breath and the tap of raindrops that were starting to get louder by the moment. I lean over to my nightstand, sliding my phone towards my by the charger, pressing the on button and then looking at the time, the sudden bright light making me squint and look away from the screen. "God damn." I mumbled to myself and then soon my black optics soon ajusted to the bright light, looking at the time and realising it was 4 in the morning.

I threw the soft cream colored sheet of of me, swinging my legs off over the egde of the bed and then walked out of my room, grabbing a red soft robe before walking out of my bedroom naked. I put my phone in the giant pockets of the robe, that were made with the same fluffy material as the robe.

I jogged down stairs to the second floor, to the kitchen, turning on a white light switch that was by the entrance, turning on the kitchen light, me walking to the coffee maker, skidding my heels on the light brown wooden floor on to the white tile as I got into the kitchen area, making my coffee, looking out at the dark trees and sky, well clouds.

Later I was finished with 2 cups of coffee, sitting on the white couch that was set in my livingroom, that was also sitting by the fireplace, taking slow sip of coffee as I look through pictures, tumblr posts, instagram posts, anything that would get my mind of the soft whispers that I heard in my dreams, no idea if they were real or not. They were fimiluar, vivid, clear, they seemed like a memory or something distant and past that has happened that I tried to block away, and if I was then I did one hell of a job.

The time passed quickly on trying to forget something that I obviosly can't stop thing about on something I forgot about and would probually make everything make sense, but there was nothing I could do, if I would go to therapy they would just think im crazy, well actually if I told anyone they would think I'm crazy, and I'm not taking that chance because people already hate me enough. I would probually think about it all day because there is no classes today and I have no friends, I really dont know why, I just never really got to that part, and plus everybody is anoying as fuck.

The day passed, 11 a.m, 12 p.m, 1 p.m... soon another book was finished and needed to be added to the finished pile, I was running out of the 'I have no life so I'll read a book' pile. It was true, I never really did anything with my life, I think the only real friend I have is some chick I met in 1st grade and she goes to my collage, so I could try talking to her-or to someone for once.

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