Chapter 13; Falling Hope

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The snow crunched under my boots as I slowly walked to the front door of the hospital. My fingers had slightly touched the handle of the door when I heard a loud crash of glass make my ears ring, and then I looked back to see a blur of a vampire with long brown hair, jumping back up into the air to attack what was upstairs. I did'nt know anyone who was parted on our side so I really didn't know if I should of been worried or happy about that. I gulped softly and looked back at the boor and opened it softly, hearing all of the crashing upstairs, loud booms made me flinch softly. It was slowly decaying inside, the walls chipping and broken and rotting furniture laying on the floor. I slowly walked up the old rickety steps and then I noticed that the crashing and the loud bams stopped suddenly when I took that first step, making it creak louder then it should of, echoing through the hallow hallways. My breath stopped as well as my heart, terrified of what I had just did and I imagine Winter, Jay and Evan's face freeze in shock, there eyes locked. Everything was quiet and then a vampire made a sudden movement that sounded like it was coming towards me and then I heard a loud snap, the whole crashing and thudding starting again and then I saw a figure standing at the top of the stairs, a huge smirk crossed his smooth face, his black hair covering over his eyes and then a soft chuckle escaped his perfectly shaped lips and then in an instant I was flying across the room, my back hitting a corner of the wall and then I felt and heard a large snap.

Pain shot through my body as I fell to the floor, the vampire there in a flash as her grabbed my leg and flung me across the long hallway, sliding into broken glass that stabbed my rib cage, where I felt the crack and then that's when I burst. I let my scream escape and then I looked at the vampire, his eyes thirsty as he spied me down, and then I soon realized I was laying in a small puddle of my dark red blood that was growing bigger as the seconds passed. The vampire ran towards me and then I saw him fly across the room, away from me and his head hit the corner of the wall, decapitating himself. I looked at the vampire body that had attacked me and then I looked up and saw what I felt like I was never able to see again. Evan.

I felt the darkness close in, and then I heard Evan and Winters voice, so distant, echoing as they spoke that made me confuse the words that they were saying. I then heard Fredrick talking about medical stuff that seemed like German to me, it was unknowable. I felt a small pressure that I wasn't sure what it was. But then the voices were gone.

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. I heard faintly, and then I opened my eyes slowly, looking up at a white ceiling, looking over with a slight ache in my whole body as I saw tall vertical blinds cover the large window, a bright beam of the sun blinding my eyes. I closed them softly and then shifted my eyes, it even hurt when I shifted my eyes. I saw a heart monitor and a clear bag hang next to me, slowly dripping a clear substance. I automatically thought it was water but in the state I was in, I would think its anything right about now. I looked away from the light and then looked up at the ceiling again, and then shifting my eyes to the light wooden door and heard faint talking on the other side of the door. The silver nob moved as I saw his face. He stared at me, he face seemed like he was surprised to see me awake but also full of joy. I could tell he wanted to hug me but instead he confused me by walking out the door, leaving me alone. I waited and then he came back with a brown haired nurse who smiled brightly, happy to see me awake. "Hey Kennedy." She said in sucha cheery voice like she has known me for forever while I didn't even know her name. "I'm Rachelle," Well I did now. "How are you feeling?" She asked, reaching for the clipboard on the edge of the bed.

I swallowed, my throat drier then ever. "Thirsty." I said in a scratchy voice.

She chcukled lightly, nodding her head slwoly. "I will take that as a good. I'll go get you some water. I'll be right back." She said and set the clipboard down, walking out of the room and then Evan walked up to me, giving his charming toothless smile.

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