Chapter One ; Hello

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Hey! I just wanted to say to the people who are first reading this, that in the first few chapers there are a lot of spelling errors because I was typing off of my phone because my computer was broken, I'm so sorrry and I would appriciate it if you just ignored the spelling errors and the lack of detail. Thank you! :)
"She was a rose, spectacular, beautiful, but covered in thorns, gave joy to the eye but caused scars around fingers. She would end in flames, but for now on she will live in frost." I spoke, calm as I could, not letting my foolish stage fright and anxiety take me over and totally make me screw up. I looked up at the people, staring at me, watching, looking at my every insecurity and every mistake I behold in my soul.

It was the new year of 2015, everybody was saying their new year revolutions, that they won't hold up. The air was crisp and rainy, like always in the Washington State. That is the main reason I moved here, for the weather, most people like the sun and being so tan they look like a burnt peice of toast, but I liked the soft drizzle of rain hit against my window while reading a nice Stephanie Meyers book buy the fire drinking a hot cup of coffee.

Collage was hard, people say its the best years of your life but its just a bunch of dumb fucks partying, drinking, and picking up girls, who are sluts and then play hard to get and wonder why the guy didn't call her back the next morning. The only realistic people here are the people who go to one party to just get the expirence and actually try to pass their classes instead of jacking off, but for me, I was neither, I was just here because if I wasn't it would 'screw my life up' but I belive that's a bunch of bullshit.

I drove in my black mercedes guardian, the car that I paid half of and my best friend paid the other half, we were suppost to share but she passed away from lung cancer. The thing is both of us didn't smoke because we liked the taste of it, we smoked to get closer to death, to give that push. Her death was almost the end of me, she was my only light and the only one who cared, she helped me through all of the shit I had gone through in my life and now she was gone, just another lost soul searching for the stairs up to heaven or down to hell, and most likely I'll find the stairs to hell.

I was living in a somewhat nice house in the middle of the forrest, I had really no attention to live in a neighborhood with neighbors always up your asses and then those 'gossip moms' who literally talk about every. little. thing. they hear, like, "Oh dear Lord my Saviour, I heard Johnsons daughter hooked up with a guy in collage." like who doesn't hook up with someone in collage.

I pulled up my long gravel drive way, parking infront of my house, turning off the engine and then walked up to my front door, unlocking the door with two rough clicks of the lock, unlocking, then a flick of the wrist, twisting the handle and making my was in, letting the door slowly shut itself, setting my purse on the white bench that sat next to the wall that was replaced by glass, almost the whole outside wall of the house replaced with glass [ If you have ever seen Twilight Saga, then you would kinda tell that this character is living in the Cullen house ].

My house was quiet and it was lonely in here, but it was relaxing, not having to worry about annoying ass roomates that are always up your ass about shit, but then it always gives my that feeling of sorrow, of regret, and depression from my best friend being seperated from me.

I walked upstairs into my bathroom looking into the mirror, placing both of my hands on the counter, looking at the sink and then looked at my reflection, my skin was pale, and I looked into my black eyes, they were tired-I was tired from all of all of the bullshit and pain I have been through. Exhaused actually.

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