chapter 1

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Ringggg...Ringggg. I reached over and shut my alarm clock off. It's a Saturday I shouldn't have to be waking up this early, but I have to hurry if I don't want to wait in a long line at the grocery store.

I'm 15 years old, and my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I grew up, and still live in Reseda. I've lived in the same apartment complex my whole life, and nothing really special happens here. My mom is a very busy lady. My dad... well you can say he's just out of the picture. I haven't seen him since I was 2. My mom currently works 2 jobs and I rarely ever see her. I guess it's nice to have the house to myself most the time. I don't have a set bedtime, and nobody cares when I leave the house, but I get lonely.

So here I am buying groceries on a Saturday morning, not with a hangover, and not at a friends house. Just me, myself, and I buying groceries.

 Just me, myself, and I buying groceries

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This is what I'm wearing. Practical? No. But I always keep in mind that it's California, and I might meet a movie star or something.

I walk into the small convenient store and straight to the back. This is where they keep their monsters and lemonade. I live off monster and lemonade. Then, I go to the cereal section, and grab some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. "Shoot I need milk," I said to myself.

"Need any help there ms.?" The man behind the counter asked me.

"I'm okay, thank you though sir," I reply with a smile and a light nod.

After I grabbed everything I'd need for the week I went up to the cash register. My mom always leaves me $25 dollars to buy groceries on Saturday mornings.

As the man was checking out my groceries, I grabbed a pack of gum and but it with the rest of the stuff. Yes, I do still have my pack from 2 weeks ago, but there is only 3 pieces left.

"Your total is $16.79," the man says bagging up the various items I bought.

"Out of $20," I say handing him the crisp 20 dollar bill my mom left on the fridge just a few hours ago.

He hands me the receipt and some change, and I make my way out of there. It isn't a long walk home from here, maybe about 7 minutes or so.

I had 2 bags of groceries, one in each one of my hands.

I wasn't really paying attention, but on my way into the complex this boy runs into me out of nowhere, causing me to drop all my groceries.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry," the boy said to me.

"It's okay. If you didn't run into me I would have probably tripped on a rock, and still would have dropped everything anyways," I say trying to not make it awkward.

He laughed a little, and said, "I'm Miguel, my family and I just moved into 109," he said as he helped me pick up everything and put it back in its bags.

"Nice to meet you Miguel, I'm (Y/N)," I say trying to keep the same energy as him, "I live in 104."

"Oh that's awesome!" He said smiling. When he smiled, you could see the light of the sun reflecting off him braces. He was wearing a red and grey hoodie, and I was dressed like I just got off a yacht. Something about him made me feel safe inside.

This tall blonde man came walking out of his apartment. He had bottles in his hands. Miguel stood up and started walking towards him.

"Hi, I'm Miguel! My family and I just moved in to 109," he said to the hungover man.

"Great more immigrants," EXCUSE ME WHA-

"Actually we're from the riverside," Miguel said confused, "Anyways, I was just wondering if you were having any trouble with your water pressure? Because I know ours seems to be a little weird right now."

As Miguel is speaking the blonde but his bottles in the garbage. "Wait bottles go in the blue bin," Miguel says trying to catch them.

"Listen, Enudo, I've lived in this shithole for over 10 years. Pipes don't work, fountains full of piss, and the only nice thing about living here is you don't have to talk to anybody," the man was obviously warn thin, " so nice knowin' ya." He got in his car and drove away.

"Okay, we'll have a nice day. I guess," Miguel said trying to process the conversation he just had.

"Wow," I said walking over to him. "I've lived next door to him since I was five, and never heard him speak," I said, "and yet, I wish I still hadn't."

"He was probably just upset," Miguel said.


"Hey do you want me help you carry in your groceries?" Miguel offered.

"Thanks okay there's not much. Thank you though Miguel!" Wow that was really nice of him.

"Can I at least have your number?" He asked.

Oh my gosh. "Yeah of course," I try to act normal. It's not every day you get a new neighbor, around your age, wanting your number. Did I mention this new neighbor is a BOY!?

I wrote my number on his hand with the pen I had to cross off my groceries list.

"Well, I should probably get inside now. Bye Miguel, and thank you," I said walking away.

"You're welcome!" He yelled waving goodbye to me.

He literally the cutest thing.

I got inside, and unloaded the groceries. Then my phone went off in my pocket.

Random Number

"Hey (Y/N) is Miguel 😁"


Authors Note: for all you with unique names like mine... imagine him spelling it right the first time😭

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, because I liked writing it.

Im sorry it's short, but I'm short. 5'3" to be exact. 😜

I also wrote this on a phone though. 😭
I don't have a computer :( but my birthday was last Friday so I got money and so I can buy it for myself if all else fails.

Anyways love y'all ❤️

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