Chapter 7

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First day of school. Every year is the same, I have my two friends, and we get bullied. They are brainiacs and I'm...average?

During their science fair and science camp stuff, I do the art and they do the science. That way it's presentable, but also intelligent. They call us "The Binary Trio". I feel much better about this year already though. I won't have just them. I'll also have Miguel!

 I'll also have Miguel!

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The fitttt 💅

My style has changes a lot since last year. Last year you wouldn't have caught me dead in anything but really ripped jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Not that I actually care what I look like, but it's not like I don't at the same time.

Miguel and I decided to ride the bus today because I didn't want to get my hair messed up on my bike.

After we got off the bus Miguel walked worriedly beside me. We have math together, which is our first block. Then we depart until lunch. After lunch, we have biology together. Then we are on our own until the bus.

First block was really boring. We had to introduce ourselves and say 3 interesting facts about us. Miguel's turn went something like this, "Hi my name is Miguel, and I'm new to the school, my favorite color is green, and I do karate."

Great now it's my turn. I stand up and say, "Hi my name is (Y/N), I like art, my favorite color is yellow, and my favorite show is (your favorite show)."

That wasn't so bad.

The next classes seemed to drag on until lunch. I scanned the room for my friends. There they are. "Demetri! Eli!" I yell talked across the cafeteria." I walked over and sat down with them.

"Hey! How was your summer?" I asked them both.

"Good," Demetri said. Eli just have a little nod and thumbs up. He's a very shy person. I don't know why, because I've known him since kindergarten.

"How about you (Y/N), did you defeat any monsters? Go missing? Eat Eggos?" He asked me.

"Nah, but I did want a lot of stranger things," I told them, "but I also got a new neighbor. He's really cute, and sweet, and there he is."

Miguel came walking over to our table and asked us if he could sit down, "is it cool if I sit here?"

Demetri used one of his many snarky comebacks, you know the ones that would usually get his ass beat, "no sorry the tables really blowing up," I saw Eli smile a bit. It was nice, and rare, "I can put you on the wait list, but it's probably not until next semester."

Cobra Kiss (Miguel X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now