Chapter 13

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After breakfast I made my way home from Miguel's house. I honestly have no clue what to do with my life without karate. For the longest time this is what I've looked forward to. This is where my best friend is. I haven't even won a fight yet. I can't just pack up and leave, I have to do something about this. I can feel it, this is not over yet.


Monday morning school was no different than the dance

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Monday morning school was no different than the dance. Besides being beaten half to death, of course. The poor girl who was being picked on on Halloween is still being bullied relentlessly. I heard someone call her Ms. Piggy, and I shouted at them to shut the hell up. I don't think she heard me though, she seemed to be blocking out, and in her own little world.

That's when I decided to go talk to her. I really hope I can make her feel better. "Hey, Aisha... right?"

"If you're going to pick on me, you can just leave. I've had enough," she coldly responded. Though, she did have the right. I would be apprehensive too.

"No. I'm not, I swear," I cut across my heart with my pinky.

"Oh, sorry. It's just, you know," she looked down.

I feel bad for her. "It's okay. I would say the same thing if I was in your shoes," I told her. She just smiled lightly and nodded. "Anyways, I came here to remind you that everything will get better. Majority of these kids are assholes, and sadly the minority, which are good, are refusing to take action. I think that's even worse," I explained. "And, just remember, someday you will be rich and famous, and they will all be working for you. As of right now though, I know you are a beautiful, smart, kid person, with a good head on my shoulders. Till you are famous, maybe you could try my karate dojo and learn to kick their asses. It's called Cobra Kai," I offered.

"Thank you so much..." she trailed off. "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"(Y/N)," I said with a smile.

"Thank you (Y/N). It means a lot to me. All of it does," she smiled back.

Okay awesome. I helped a girl in need, and possibly got a new student. Maybe even a friend?

I was on my way walking I my next class when I saw Sam and Kyler being... well Sam and Kyler. Kyler's hair was messed up, and they were being all lovey dovey. If I were Sam I would run for the hills. Don't get me wrong, I don't like her, but nobody deserves to be with that douchebag.


Later that day during study hall Miguel and I told Eli and Demitri about "no more karate."

"So that's it, no more karate?" Demitri asked.

"Yup. I guess so," Miguel admired defeat.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your guys' confidence," Demitri said.

Miguel looked at him confused, "isn't that a good thing?"

"No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody? Except for a black eye, and backpack in the trash?" He asked us.

"Not in my book. It's not over in my book," I sexclaimed. "And yes Mig, it's a good thing." I looked at Demitri and shook my head.

"Well I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli spoke up.

"Are you insane?" Demitri asked, "let me ask you, what is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength," Miguel stated.

"Wrong," Demitri said.

"Telekinesis," said me.

"Also wrong. Invisibility. A close second would be super speed, to run away fast," Demitri concluded.

That's when Kyler came up behind Eli, "Run away from who?" He asked.

We all sighed. "Whoam," one of his goons corrected him, "it's the object of preposition. Remember English class?" He rambled.

We all gathered our things, "we were just about to leave," I said.

That's when Kyler grabbed Eli's face.

"Freak," one of his friends exclaimed.

"What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit? Besides your whore friend," Kyler said as he pointed to me.

I flipped him off, and Miguel got mad. "Leave them alone Kyler."

"What did you say?" Kyler asked Miguel. "You haven't had enough Reah?"

Normally I would fight, but I'm sore and I just lost badly to them on Friday night.

They shoved us out of there, not before grabbing Demitri's backpack and throwing it away. "No," he begged, "not the trash. Come on, I just threw a yogurt in there."

"Now it's dibble dipped," said Kyler.

"Come on Demitri, we can go clean it off." I said as he pulled it from the trash. Demitri walked out of the library.

I turned around and yelled back to Kyler, "Yo Kye, your hair looks like shit. Maybe you should give yourself a swirly for a change." He just kinda grunted, like a bull, and I left the library and ran up to my friends.


Today the bus ride was different. Miguel didn't ride with me, and I wouldn't be going to karate after school. It was cold and lonely, almost as if I was missing my other half. When Miguel is around I feel fuzzy and warm inside. The butterflies never go away, and I hope they never do.


I seriously need to start working on these ahead of time.

Also if anyone is interested in going to be making a Mighty Ducks preferences and imagines going up tonight so go check it out later <3


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